
Posts Tagged ‘Ebay Sales’

Paypal declines my credit card?

February 5th, 2013 1 comment

I was adding a Paypal account to my Xbox account. Everytime I click "Add Paypal", i sign in but then it asks me to add a new card when on top it says "You have one active card" but it doesn’t let me use it.
This is very frustrating.

Paypal’s cards are horrible. Had a very similar problem myself.

To use the card as a credit card, you need to call the customer service line on the back of the card and ask that the card be reactivated. Then they’ll send you a letter turning you down. Then you call again and say that you got a letter saying your card can’t be activated. Then they activate it.

Oh, but your credit limit is ungodly low. Mine was $127. I spend over $3,000 a month on my Visa, have a $2,000 cash balance from ebay sales on the paypal card – and paypal gives me a $127 credit limit… Um, okay.

I’d use a different card for your Xbox account.

Any tips on making money on ebay?

January 9th, 2013 12 comments

I am looking make some extra cash selling on ebay? AN extra £200-300 a month is fine for me.

How can I do that? And what PRODUCTS ARE ON HIGH DEMAND on ebay?
To Daniel D:

selling concert tickets and such. I thought you couldn’t do that anymore? you have to put your names on tickets when pre-ordering, therefore you can’t sell it to someone with a different name.

re: Danilel C
subodh fuck off you cunt!

Let me start by answering your last questions first. Ebay is the place to sell ANYTHING. Ok, so anything means "within reason" as Ebay doesn’t allow guns, animals or human body parts, but services is not outside the norm of Ebay sales.

The thing to remain focused upon is not whether Ebay is the place, but whether the service you want to sell can benefit from a "global" market. Ebay has an audience that covers the globe. it is not uncommon to have bidders from as far away as Europe, Russia and Austrailia. So, to put this in perspective, if you are selling graphics for the web, you have a wider market in Ebay. If, however, you are selling house painting, personal errand assistant or even your knowledge in Law, you must look for a more local or geographicaly close audience. This does not mean you shouldn’t use eBay, it only means that your auction pages should reflect this understanding.

Lastly, What products sell well on ebay and is there a way to get this information on a daily basis? This is a question I get an awful lot, both here on AllExperts and through email. The problem is that there is no cut and dried answer. What sells well for one may be a total disaster for another. In addition, consider this: If there is one item that sells well, and could make someone rich, do you really expect to be handed this information on a silver platter? Of course not – but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find something with which to do well on Ebay.

You can search on ebay for the items you’re selling, and you can find items by the number of bids they receive. Items that receive over a certain number of bids are called "Hot Items" and are marked with a small flame icon. Sort any category by clicking on the top of the bid column, and you instantly know which items in that category are receiving the most bids.

Can you sell the same item and get the same bids? This remains a mystery on Ebay. You should know that it is common for two sellers to list identical items – both of which are hot tickets – only to have one receive many high bids and the other get nothing. What is the difference? As I say, it’s a mystery.

The one thing I can tell new sellers is that you have to sell what you know. If you know a bit about depression glass, then I’d say that’s your area to start. If, however, you don’t know the difference between Mayfair and Cabbage Rose, then you’re going to have trouble with those items. Everyone knows a bit about something. You need to assess your own abilities and your own knowledge areas to find those items with which you will do best.

Are eBay sales being affected with the credit crunch?

November 20th, 2012 5 comments

Hey to all eBay sellers out there have you find that your sales are decreasing in anyway with the credit crunch?

Thanks for your input.

Possibly – our ebay sales were down 85% on last Christmas. However I also firmly beleive that ebay themselves have failed sellers by introducing their new search format in September 2008; our sales started falling dramatically from this point!

How much is my computer worth?

November 18th, 2012 8 comments

my laptop is an Inspiron B130, 2yrs old, 512 MB, 60GB memory, its fast

the only problem with it, it occasionally crashes with PFN_list_corrupt errors, so the operating system isn’t running perfect. the computer is in excellent condition like new.

how much would my computer sell on Ebay, or other used computer dealers?
15 in display, dell

Best thing to do is to use the computer statistics in an ebay search for Closed or Completed Auctions. You have to log in to ebay first, then go to the advanced search page to get this option. Don’t focus on the brand so much as the statistics.

Consider the following:
If it’s 2 years old, does it still have warranty support? Yes, means more money.

If you’re selling it, then for security reasons, consider buying a new hard drive for it and selling it without anything installed – but with the CD’s that came with it. Note that it’s illegal to sell the CD’s separately from the machine they came with. And if you sell the computer with a Certificate of Authenticity sticker on it, then you have to give the new owner the CD’s or something it writing that says "I lost it" so they can get the CD’s from the manufacturer or microsoft. Otherwise, remove the CoA and destroy it. But you lose a lot of value that way.

Is there anything on it that doesn’t work, but YOU don’t care? Like the touchpad on a laptop, the hotkeys on the keyboard, or the sound? The new owner might care, and you should tell them up front, even if you don’t care about it. Try to get them working if you’re selling it with everything installed.

What software will you give them, and do you still have the installers or CD’s they came from? Make a list and put it on the ebay sales page – or take screenshots of the All Programs menu, and post that. The more info you give a buyer the more they will be willing to pay for it on ebay.

Not knowing any real details about it, I’d say it’s in the range of $300. That assumes the new owner will fix whatever problems it has for about $150 after they buy it. So make your reserve 275, and your buy it now 400. Good luck!

What are some good things to sell on eBay?

November 14th, 2012 4 comments

I have already sold clothes on eBay, but am looking to make a bit more of a profit. I noticed that places like Marshall’s have True Religion and 7 for All Mankind jeans for $99.00. Could I make a profit by selling them on eBay NWT? What are other good things to buy and sell for profit?

People are buying those popular brands, but they’re paying with credit cards. Unless you are a full blown retail operation and can afford to buy in bulk to get wholesale prices, and pay the tab (3%) by using mastercard/or visa on your ebay sales, you should stay away from designer stuff that will go out of style in a matter of months. You want to keep your costs down, so why not consider secondhand merchandise. Not ratty tatty, but unique and rare items.

I’m thinking of adding a web store (NOT on ebay) to my ebay sales. What strategy makes more sense?

November 12th, 2012 2 comments

Should I have lower prices on ebay than the same items sold via the webstore; should it be the other way around, or both about the same? GENUINE, SERIOUS answers only, please.

I completely disagree with rlecor (in a friendly way of course 😉 but you can price your goods at exactly the same price (if not cheaper, minus ebay’s fees of course) on ebay as your webstore. I do agree with rlecor when he/she says "shoppers there are really looking for a bargain".

Keeping in with that understanding, the best way to use ebay is to support your webstore. Offer an item for cost on ebay to attract visitors to your webstore. Have something ultra unique? Put it up for auction and use your webstore as the reference point.

There are so many ways you can go. Either way can be very successful or a waste of effort and time. Take a look at this…

This program has a TON of techniques and strategies for developing a successful ebay and/or webstore among some very unique ways of promoting your goods.

Good luck,


What and how is the cheapest way to ship the items I Sell on ebay?

November 6th, 2012 5 comments

I just started selling items on ebay. The last few items that I shipped have been light weighted and the shipping is about $10.00… I think it is way too much money. Especially if I will be shipping constantly. Is it because of the size of the box? Please Help.

Figuring out the most economical shipping methods for your eBay sales can be complicated. Here’s a few rules of thumb. For books, CDs, DVDs, etc., use USPS Media Mail – you can ship a 10 pound box of books for under $6! For non-media items under about 5 pounds and not oddly shaped, USPS Parcel Post is generally the cheapest. For heavier items, UPS becomes competitive, especially if you purchase through Paypal.

Here’s an article with additional tips and more detail:

What are the best items to sell on ebay?

November 6th, 2012 5 comments

What has a high value now that wasn’t 5 years ago or longer.

Please help im new to ebay

As the one answerer said – go to ebay and do an advanced search to search "only ended items" and look at different categories and you can pretty much see right away what sells and what doesn’t.

Shipping cost has a lot to do with perceived make sure you know your shipping cost and total costs against what it would cost for the person to get it locally.

Used electronics seem to be hot..especially people are not afraid to order off the computer – and online sales are growing despite the recession…

I was looking for Wonder Woman stuff for my daughter and it was SOOOO expensive..and things were always being bid on…if you’re going to do collectibles..make sure you examine what collectibles are hot and what’s not..there’s a lot of things people call "collectibles" that are junk – and there’s a lot that have a high value – but the person who might buy it isn’t looking on ebay or hasn’t seen the ad..and since you’d have to keep the ad up for a while, it might not be cost effective to sell it on ebay. You want things that have a large audience. Or have a very very targeted marketing program supplemented by website advertising, PPC, etc. etc.

Auto stuff has picked up over the years..and that category has grown…

I also bet there’s some ebay statistics on the web with best selling categories, highest growth, etc.

Remember that advertising outside of ebay in the search engiens can also have a great deal to do with your level of success.

Start with looking at completed Ebay sales and investigating sales from that point of view…

Marketing Your eBay Business – Advanced

July 29th, 2012 No comments

Explore the strategies that will help you define your brand to attract and retain Web 2.0 customers utilizing the latest search engine optimization (SEO) techniques and advanced tactics for connecting with customers through social media.

Duration : 1:8:18

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Is this the box with the gold and silver in it? Sure it is! Garage Sale Pickups Video

July 22nd, 2012 21 comments

Visit me on ebay
Some of my finds today, lego soccer, 9/11 Ikea Twin Towers Photo, Mar Trains, Twilight books, hot rollers, Garfield mug, US Duffel bag, Italian coin bracelet 925 sterling silver. I only spent $13.00 today and should see $200+ return. Slow day for yard sales, met some nice people and did alot of driving. Just too hot out there for many I guess. Thanks for all the great tips guys and gals!

Duration : 0:4:21

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