
Posts Tagged ‘Declaring Bankruptcy’

What can attorney due to delay auction of home?

October 27th, 2012 2 comments

Someone please help, I’m going crazy. We live in a non judicial state. Auction to sell our house is set for 12-4-09. We are unemployed at the present time and will not be able to keep our house and have accepted that. But since the auction is in December and we really have no place to go until January, is there anything an attorney can do to delay the auction for a month or two. Please I am asking for serious answers only. This is hard enough to loose our home after trying desperately to save our house.

Since you currently have no way of paying the mortgage because of lack of income you are out of luck unless you can show a your lender that you have even the slightest chance of making the loan good.

Declaring bankruptcy would delay the foreclosure a couple of months, but that will cost your at least $2500 in attorney and legal fees. Sorry to say this but your situation is hopeless unless you can provide the lender a reasonable expectation that you will be able to resume payments, even modified payments, in the near future.