
Posts Tagged ‘Damages’

How can I sell easily on eBay as a new seller?

November 10th, 2012 6 comments

Most people don’t want to buy from a new seller because there is some risk involved. Are there any techniques I could use for selling until I get some good feedback?

Here’s what you do?
Search items which have free shipping.
Just bid $0.99 only. If you win good and if not no prob.
In other words, you would be paying only $0.99 for a feedback. Once you reach 50, then i think people will start buying from you. Once you hit 100 you can open an eBay store. But your sales will still be slow.

After 500 rating, you sales will start to increase. For now, since you don’t have a high rating, try selling cheap stuff which people wont go crazy if it breaks or gets damages.

Oh yea! you can try to sell textbooks. Now many people don’t care about the rating of the seller when it comes to buying textbooks.


What is the best way to hold a people auction at a school?

November 6th, 2012 3 comments

We are talking about having a people auction where students volunteer to do chores like raking leaves and such but I can’t find a lot of information on it. What are some of the legality issues? What are some suggestions?
I’m not talking about slavery dingbats. It’s purely on a volunteer basis and they come up with the chore they are willing to do.

It’s not a "people auction". It’s a SERVICES auction. You’re not selling people, you’re selling a service they’re willing to do.
From a legal standpoint, the biggest thing I can think of is, who will be liable if someone gets hurt while doing the service? Or if in the process of doing the service, the person damages someone’s property? (For example, accidentally sticks the rake handle through a window)
Because the school is the "middleman" in the transaction, someone might try to pull them into a lawsuit. It might be possible to write some kind of waiver into the process but you’ll need good legal advice to do that.