
Posts Tagged ‘Craiglist’

Make Money Fast With Ipc or Stay Broke!

February 17th, 2013 4 comments

     That is exactly the position that I found myself in after moving to a new city and not being able to find a job.  I had to find a method of making money fast so I immediately

turned to the internet for my answers.  In my desperate frenzy, I quickly signed up for program after program that promised to pay me big bucks and then dove right into a black hole.  I was hopeful in the fact that I could call a business my own but I had no idea how to get my new business started and making money quickly.  I soon became more frustrated as each day passed and the thought of money being taken out of my account to support my websites each month only made it even worse. I was not only not making any

sales but I was losing money.  This went on for a few weeks until I broke down and surrendered my hopes of making money fast online.  I became depressed and started to

look for things to sell around the house to make fast money but realized that even Ebay

charged to place goods online to sell.

     I then decided to look on the popular website, Craiglist for opportunities that I could make money ASAP and that’s when I found a program that changed everything.  The program that promised to make money instantly.  I thought to myself, “instantly”, well that’s better than quickly or right away.  I know everybody does this and I’m no different, but I told myself this is the last one and guess what: It was!

     The IPC Instant Cash Program is exactly what it promotes, to make money and to make money fast.  By the end of the very month that I started, I was making sales and it was growing.  I now make over $9,000 a month and am showing others how to do the same.


There was no magic taking place for this to happen, just a fantastic step by step training program that took me from A to Z in an easy to understand format.  The business was meant for someone just like me, someone who needed to make money fast but also needed an extra helping boost to make it all happen.  I tuned into the 5 hour training video presentations that would show me several methods of advertising my business and

the option of doing it for FREE.  I had no monthly upkeep charges to worry about so I really appreciated my training and took it very seriously. I quickly began to implement the techniques one by one.  When I made my first sale in 48 hours, I just stared at my computer screen in amazement and knew that this was just the beginning of something

very special for my life. 

     I recommend this business for anyone who is being thrown a curve ball in life and just does not know how to hit the ball to get to the next base.  This program with its

superior back office will show you step by step how to set up your business and promote your business using both free advertising methods and paid methods as well. There are

no monthly fees so once you have made your initial investment which by the way has to be the lowest price business on the internet, you can really concentrate on just making money and making money fast. The business has a couple of bonuses to boast about,

one is the fact that you receive residual income with this system and it has an excellent cash back reward in place also. Do yourself a favor and get your FREE REPORT that

explains this awesome business opportunity, then go out there and make money fast.

Christine Johnston

should i buy a used car for $700?

December 23rd, 2012 6 comments

i really need a vehicle to move around, especially for commuting to and from school. i saw a few cars for $700-$900 on craiglist and ebay. i know they are not gonna be a smooth ride, but i need something asap. i cant afford anything more than 1000$. any personal experiences?

yes that is a tough price range, and the only way to tell if it is a jewel or a turd is to go test drive it. You can take what the owner says with a grain of salt, but the real test is the test drive. I always try to test drive used cars when cold. (after sitting overnight) Check the oil to make sure it is oil, (if its a quart low when you check, its burning oil, most likely, or if you see a couple of oil cans in the trunk. Check the transmission fluid to see if it is a pinkish color, (this is good) and sniff the fluid (old mechanics trick) the fluid should not be black and smell burnt, if it is, walk away.
Start it up, if should start easily, and within 5 to 10 seconds smooth into a high idle. There should be no loud bangs or clanging sounds, and no rattles and no big clouds of smoke. Give it a minute or two to warm up for oil circulation, then drive it like you stole it. A used car that runs,drives , and stops good cold may not be in too bad of shape. It should be able to get up to freeway speeds easily (55) and I like to take at least a 30 to 40 minute test drive. I like cars owned by older adults, they usually have nicer stuff, a good income, and take care of their vehicles well, and do not drive the pee out of them. A young adult, usually is a lot harder on the vehicle, and will try to unload a car after it gets a lot of miles on it.
The problem is you have to be patient to find a good used car, which of course is not easy, especially if you need a car, Sometimes you have to be creative, to find a good car, I have asked people to meet me somewhere near my like a shopping center if I could not find a ride, (and this tells you something about the owner too, in a way as far as confidence that thier car will make it there and back. I have had people ask me to bring a car I had for sale, and I did, and they bought it, So sometimes it works out. In the end, its a used car, patience is the key believe it or not, as for crappy cars, after you hop in and out of a few, you can almost drive one around the block, and know its junk, things like broken switches, bad brakes, a miss in the engine, busted taillight, wierd dents (THAT ARE FIST SHAPED, AND WAIST HIGH) these are all clues on what kind of care a vehicle had. Here is a website that can give you more information on looking for used cars, has tons of info, its free, and there is a used car review section that can give you some car repair statistics. also is a price guide, it has a consumer section that is free, and you can price older cars in the classic section .

Internship offer liquidating assets on craigslist and ebay, any tips?

September 17th, 2012 1 comment

I got hired through the university, to sell a companies assets online using sites like ebay and craigslist. The items sold on ebay will mostly be smaller items, and larger items on craiglist. I have significant experience using craigslist, but I am nervous about the ebay part. I know how to post stuff, but am not sure how the shipping works. Any tips or anything of the sort? It’s labeled a sales/marketing internship. Thank you for your time.

set a high reserve price. You wouldn’t want your items to be sold under market value.

Do not use craigslist to sell high priced items, you will get lots of spam. I suggest selling low value items on craigslist and high priced items on ebay.