
Posts Tagged ‘Counter Offer’

Why do people on Ebay put Best Offer option if?

November 12th, 2012 2 comments

They don’t ever accept a best offer. I have submitted many offers recently(last couple days) to about 4 to 5 different people all having the same product. I offer 6 to 8 dollars less than the buy it now price and they all decline my offer and offer me a counter offer of like 40 to 50 cent less than their Buy It Now price.
Anyone else think thats just rediculous? Whats your opinion?

All depends on what exactly the item is and how much they are asking $6.00 to $8.00 off can be alot. Also, if the seller has previously sold similar items for around the same price, they simply won’t take below $1.00 or $2.00 off as they know that when the right buyer comes along they can get closer to the price they are asking. Best offer feature is better used when purchasing multiple quantities or lots, as the seller is then more willing to lower the asking price if they are getting a large sale from a buyer. Pretty much all depends on the seller and item/items involved.