Where from I can buy merchandise to sell in eBay ?
I like to sell goods to eBay but I do not from where I can buy goods to sell it in eBay ? Can anyone tell me ?
I wanted to say that I will not buy goods those will sell to ebay. I wanted to know who can give me the goods to sell on ebay and after selling goods he/she/they will get price of that goods and I will receive my commission selling her/his/their goods in ebay!
It seems you want to be a "consignment seller" or "trading assistant"
As in you want to list other peoples items and then charge a commission off the sale.
This business model tends to fail but if you want to pursue it -put up flyers around your community, get the word out that you offer this service.
Churches, colleges, supermarket bulletin boards.
I write about stuff like this in my blog here
To be an official ebay "trading assistant" you need a feedback level of 100.
Auctiva.com offers free listing accounts that includes options to keep track of consignment sales.
Google "consignment sales" "trading assistant" and read my blogs as i write them, lol
But, it would be more profitable to sell your own product- check your local craigslist, buy and haggle for stuff you know will sell well and high- i averaged 1200 a month profits at one point buying only wiis and xboxes off craigslist for resale – usually with less that 15 auctions a month! my business has since expanded, but its a great start for seed money
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