
Posts Tagged ‘Checks’

When selling on ebay, do you have to have a paypal account?

December 21st, 2012 5 comments

I want to start selling on Ebay but it looks like its requiring me to have a PayPal Account. I tried to make an account, but it asked for a routing number off a check of mine. I don’t ever use checks and don’t have any. Also, how does selling an item on Ebay work?
Does the money go directly into my checkings account after I ship it or right when they purchase it?

Someone qualified please explain all this.

Please, read the tutorials on ebay and paypal and understand how they work before attempting to use either site. Paypal is required for sellers in the U.S. You don’t have to have a checking account to open a paypal account, so you are looking at something wrong when attempting to open an account – for assistance call paypal at 1-888-221-1161 and they can walk you through it. The funds do not go into any account automatically when you are paid via paypal, you must go into your paypal account and manually transfer the funds once they are in the account. As I said, please read the info and call both sites if you must for clarification on any issues.

Can an ebay autioner take their product off the website before the auction time is up?

December 2nd, 2012 2 comments

I really want this computer game, the aution ends tomorrow and no one has bid yet. Im planning on biding but i dont want to do it yet because i dont want it to attract other ppl. Then again, if i dont im afraid the person will take it down before it ends. Does anyone know if they have to wait until its over?

The short answer is: YES. The seller can even cancel the sale after the bidding closes.

OK, what you need is to do the bidding for you at the last minute. What esnipe does is take your bid and wait. You simply enter the maximum you are willing to pay. At some time before the bidding closes, usually 90 minutes, esnipe checks the current bid and if you are less than that, it emails you a warning that your bid is too low, giving you an opportunity to raise your bid. If it exceeds the current bid, it then places your bid a few SECONDS before bidding closes and you either win or lose. The whole idea is not to run up the bid exactly as you are fearing will happen if you bid NOW. Remember, this ONLY works IF you place your maximum bid at something realistic and others do not raise the bid above what you are willing to pay at most. If you try to "low-ball" the bid, you will be disappointed. The real question is, will this same item come up again and again? Or, is this a one time deal? If it will come up again and again, there is no harm in waiting for a decent deal by using a low bid. But if this is a one time deal, then you probably need a much higher bid to be successful. Only you can be the judge.

A while back, I was interested in obtaining an "astronomical" clock. This is a switch timer which adjusts itself for sunrise and sunset, which changes every day by a few minutes. These used to be used for flags which flew 24 hours to properly illuminate the flag at sunset until sunrise as is custom and tradition. These come up time again on ebay, and using esnipe, I was able to get one at a substantial saving when one came up and like you, it appeared no one was bidding. So, I got a $40 switch timer for $20 using esnipe after losing out on several that went much higher then the $20 I could afford to pay.

Do you need paypal to sell items on Ebay?

November 10th, 2012 7 comments

I want to start selling items on Ebay (sports tickets) and I was wondering if paypal is the only option for payments? Is it 100 % secure? I know thousands, probably millions, use paypal and never have problems but I’m a little skeptical with the wiring of money through credit cards. Also, how does the shipping work with Ebay? Is the seller responsible for paying for shipping? Is it easier to sell tickets on broker sites or Ebay?

Also, does Ebay get a percent commission on items sold, and if so, how much?

Thanks everyone!

No – you do not need Paypal to sell on eBay, but your sales will be significantly slower (e.g. have to wait in the mail for checks & money orders to arrive & clear). I am an eBay buyer and the seller taking Paypal is one of the first things I look out when considering an item. I do not buy otherwise.

I have never had a problem with Paypal. It isn’t just credit cards…it directly debits your checking account if that is the method chosen.

Shipping through eBay is whatever you want it to be. You charge what you want. Either put a weight into your listing or put a flat shipping dollar amount. It is your choice.

No, the buyer pays for shipping per the seller’s listing. Some sellers overcharge for shipping to make up the different in what they hoped to get for th item. For example, you could charge $8 shipping for a pair of sports ticket that could ship for $1. You’ve just made $7 more than you would have otherwise.

No idea about the question where it is easier to sell tickets.

Yes, eBay (and Paypal) both get a percentage of your sale. Paypal, obviously, only if you use them. eBay gets a listing fee. For me, it is normally around 60 cents. Then they get a percentage of the final sale amount as well. I forget how much it is, but it is all on their site.