
Posts Tagged ‘Bonus’

Create a Successful Home Business on Ebay

February 20th, 2013 3 comments

Many people have at least entertained the idea of starting up their own business on eBay, to allow them the freedom of working from home on their own schedule. However, few actually make the leap into trying, and fewer still are actually successful at creating a home business on eBay that brings in a decent income. The reason for so many failures is that most people don’t bother to do their research, pay attention to their customers’ wants and needs, or even take advantage of the tools available to them to increase their chances at success. You can save yourself from making these pricey mistakes and steer clear of failure with these simple tips:

Do Your Research

Before you start picking up items on eBay, do some research to see what items are selling well at the moment. Just by checking out the current auctions on eBay, you can find the most profitable products that you can sell yourself to make money. Try viewing different categories, and then organize the listings by highest bid first, to see what items are fetching the highest price. These are the items you want to focus on selling yourself.

Focus On Customer Service

This is the most obvious way to build up a successful business, and yet, so many sellers completely ignore it. Customer service is the cornerstone of any good business. Unhappy customers means less sales, and ultimately, an unhappy seller. Go above and beyond with your customers, offering them a return policy, exceptional service, polite responses to their questions, and prompt solutions for their problems. Include extras in your packages, like a hand-written thank you note, or a small bonus item along with their auction item. Every little bit counts, and your customers will definitely take notice. These are the things that keeps customers coming back, and will encourage them to spread the word about your business.

Take Advantage Of The Extras

Sellers on eBay have a lot of tools available to them to boost their visibility and their business’s profits. Take advantage of everything eBay has to offer. Build up your about me page with information about you, your business, and your customer service policies. Use your eBay blog to talk about the products you are offering for sale. Participate in the forums and help new buyers out, and they’ll likely follow the link to your store. Anything that gets your name out there can help you gain more customers.

Taking the time to utilize the options available, provide your customers with quality customer service, and researching the items that sell before investing in anything are the three key steps to building a successful home business on eBay. With so many sellers skipping these essentials, you can really push yourself ahead of the competition if you just take the time to work out your strategies before you begin selling. Focus on these methods, and you will no doubt see wonderful results if you stick to it.

Vickie Sayce

Create a Successful Home Business on Ebay

February 17th, 2013 3 comments

Many people have at least entertained the idea of starting up their own business on eBay, to allow them the freedom of working from home on their own schedule. However, few actually make the leap into trying, and fewer still are actually successful at creating a home business on eBay that brings in a decent income. The reason for so many failures is that most people don’t bother to do their research, pay attention to their customers’ wants and needs, or even take advantage of the tools available to them to increase their chances at success. You can save yourself from making these pricey mistakes and steer clear of failure with these simple tips:

Do Your Research

Before you start picking up items on eBay, do some research to see what items are selling well at the moment. Just by checking out the current auctions on eBay, you can find the most profitable products that you can sell yourself to make money. Try viewing different categories, and then organize the listings by highest bid first, to see what items are fetching the highest price. These are the items you want to focus on selling yourself.

Focus On Customer Service

This is the most obvious way to build up a successful business, and yet, so many sellers completely ignore it. Customer service is the cornerstone of any good business. Unhappy customers means less sales, and ultimately, an unhappy seller. Go above and beyond with your customers, offering them a return policy, exceptional service, polite responses to their questions, and prompt solutions for their problems. Include extras in your packages, like a hand-written thank you note, or a small bonus item along with their auction item. Every little bit counts, and your customers will definitely take notice. These are the things that keeps customers coming back, and will encourage them to spread the word about your business.

Take Advantage Of The Extras

Sellers on eBay have a lot of tools available to them to boost their visibility and their business’s profits. Take advantage of everything eBay has to offer. Build up your about me page with information about you, your business, and your customer service policies. Use your eBay blog to talk about the products you are offering for sale. Participate in the forums and help new buyers out, and they’ll likely follow the link to your store. Anything that gets your name out there can help you gain more customers.

Taking the time to utilize the options available, provide your customers with quality customer service, and researching the items that sell before investing in anything are the three key steps to building a successful home business on eBay. With so many sellers skipping these essentials, you can really push yourself ahead of the competition if you just take the time to work out your strategies before you begin selling. Focus on these methods, and you will no doubt see wonderful results if you stick to it.

Vickie Sayce

Create a Successful Home Business on Ebay

February 14th, 2013 3 comments

Many people have at least entertained the idea of starting up their own business on eBay, to allow them the freedom of working from home on their own schedule. However, few actually make the leap into trying, and fewer still are actually successful at creating a home business on eBay that brings in a decent income. The reason for so many failures is that most people don’t bother to do their research, pay attention to their customers’ wants and needs, or even take advantage of the tools available to them to increase their chances at success. You can save yourself from making these pricey mistakes and steer clear of failure with these simple tips:

Do Your Research

Before you start picking up items on eBay, do some research to see what items are selling well at the moment. Just by checking out the current auctions on eBay, you can find the most profitable products that you can sell yourself to make money. Try viewing different categories, and then organize the listings by highest bid first, to see what items are fetching the highest price. These are the items you want to focus on selling yourself.

Focus On Customer Service

This is the most obvious way to build up a successful business, and yet, so many sellers completely ignore it. Customer service is the cornerstone of any good business. Unhappy customers means less sales, and ultimately, an unhappy seller. Go above and beyond with your customers, offering them a return policy, exceptional service, polite responses to their questions, and prompt solutions for their problems. Include extras in your packages, like a hand-written thank you note, or a small bonus item along with their auction item. Every little bit counts, and your customers will definitely take notice. These are the things that keeps customers coming back, and will encourage them to spread the word about your business.

Take Advantage Of The Extras

Sellers on eBay have a lot of tools available to them to boost their visibility and their business’s profits. Take advantage of everything eBay has to offer. Build up your about me page with information about you, your business, and your customer service policies. Use your eBay blog to talk about the products you are offering for sale. Participate in the forums and help new buyers out, and they’ll likely follow the link to your store. Anything that gets your name out there can help you gain more customers.

Taking the time to utilize the options available, provide your customers with quality customer service, and researching the items that sell before investing in anything are the three key steps to building a successful home business on eBay. With so many sellers skipping these essentials, you can really push yourself ahead of the competition if you just take the time to work out your strategies before you begin selling. Focus on these methods, and you will no doubt see wonderful results if you stick to it.

Vickie Sayce

Get Free Ebooks to Resell on Ebay!!!

February 9th, 2013 2 comments

With the spiraling eBay fees and competitive pricing, the last thing eBay ebook sellers want to worry about is buying new resalable content. However, there are many sources that you may not have thought about which provide you with free resalable ebooks that you can successfully add to your inventory. This article details just a few of them.

1) Ebay:- That’s right eBay is a great source to pick up free ebooks (OK they’re not quite free but very cheap). Many ebook sellers run auctions that start at 1p to attract customers. If nobody bids on these auctions you can pick up a very cheap resalable ebook.

Furthermore, some sellers run 1p ebook listings in their eBay store. That means that you can actually purchase the item as a Buy It Now for 1p and in some cases receives it instantly. Again another way to pick up a very cheap resalable ebook, courtesy of eBay. Do a search on eBay for “ebooks resell” or something similar, and then list them lowest priced first to see what you find.

2) Newsletters:- When you signed up for this newsletter I gave you two free ebooks. Some newsletters that I am currently a member of give me 5 free ebooks every week. I would recommend joining ebook related newsletters as not only do you receive valuable tips from that ebook seller, you also get free products to add to your eBay store. Have a browse through eBay for the top ebook sellers. If they have a newsletter joins it. It costs nothing and you are likely to benefit greatly.

3) Ebooks: – Usually when you buy a new ebook it contains links to many bonus ebooks with resell rights. Although you may have to pay for the first ebook, this is another way to get a plentiful collection of free resalable ebooks.

4) Online Forums:- Many users at online forums will give away free resalable ebooks or give away links that allow you to access free ebooks with resell rights. Just have a browse through the posts and see what you can find.

5) Ebook Websites:- Many websites that sell ebooks have a free download page. From this you can download free ebooks which quite often come with resell rights. Type “resell ebooks” into Google or any other major search engines, and have a browse through these websites. I am sure you will find more than enough ebooks to keep you going for a while.

Although free ebooks with resell rights are likely to be outdated in relation to the ones you pay for they are still a good way to bulk up your inventory at relatively little cost. The larger your store inventory is as an ebook seller, the more chance that you will get a sale. If you bulk up your inventory with free resalable ebooks which you then sell alongside the more expensive, up to date, resalable ebooks you are sure to enjoy increased success. Good Luck with your Ebook Sales!!!


What clothing would people buy from ebay?

January 26th, 2013 5 comments

I’m trying to sell my preowned clothing on ebay, but I’m not having a lot of success. I mostly list dress shirts for $10 + $5 for shipping. I don’t have many sales. Is my list price too high or do people just not like dress shirts in general? All my clothes are in good condition and I only use brand names.

I always sell my old clothing on eBay with lots of success! 🙂 Are your listings ‘But it Now’ or Auctions? Definetly go with Auctions. People love to bid and if you start with a low enough price (dont be afraid to!) most changes are people will bite so quickly, BUT a bidding war will ensue and you’ll a lot more for your item than you think. I always sell my clothes in these huge groups (brand name clothes!!) and start the bidding at an irresistible $15. Jumps to $100+ every time 🙂

These are MUST DO’s:

1. Have at LEAST 3 detailed pictures of each article of clothing. People can’t be there in person to see the clothing items so they will appreciate nice, clear detailed pictures. I usually do 1 regular shot of the entire garment, another shot very up close to show the detail of the pattering or stitching or other nice aspects of the garment, and another shot to showcase another nice detail about the item such as cute pockets, a bow, the buttons, ect. Lots of photos!

2. Talk about each item and how cute it is. Tell people about why this dress or shirt is nice.

3. Try selling your old clothes in lots (groups). Ive never sold anything individually. Selling clothes in lumps helps to take away from the fact that they are all used. Not only that but they will be excited about getting lots of gently used clothing at a deal.

4. You already mentioned that the clothes you sell are brand-name. That’s a bonus. I only own brand-name clothing. Not because Im a snob, but because Im plus-sized, and the only places where I can GET cute clothes for my size is at nice stores in the Mall and such.

5. Presentation! Make sure your photos are nice and clear and have good lighting.

6. My biggest tip is to sell your old clothes all together in a group. I dont know, maybe people like group sales more? Thats the only way Ive ever sold all my clothes and Ive always sold them for a good amount. But if you want to only sell one thing, definitely lower the price some. The dress shirt you mentioned is $10+ 5. That’s $15 for a used item. Depending on where you got it from that may be too much. The clothes I list in my auctions usually are usually $30- $35 for the top alone. So if the item is used, $15 would be a good deal. However, if that top came from say Old Navy for $18, then $15 isnt worth it. Maybe somewhere around $8 and they’ll go for it.

7. Also taking this into mind: Like I mentioned Im plus-sized and we dont have as many stores to shop at as smaller people, so maybe my clothes sell so well because shopping for us can be a pain. So I can imagine is smaller people have so many places to shop, fewer would be on eBay.

8. Is all about being a smart seller. Often I will get rid of a group of my old clothes because I realize they wernt that great to begin with. But if I dont want them, who would? So, to make the listing more appealing I make a sacrifice and pick one more top or two from my wardrobe that I can bear to let go that’s really nice. That adds spice to my listing by adding in more items that people are likely ro want really badly and ensures that I not only sell my listing, but I get a good price for it too. 🙂