
Posts Tagged ‘Big Time’

free business plans for a dating site- where can i get one?

February 19th, 2013 1 comment

Hi Crystal,

If you are going to be successful will have to do your own unique BP. Say that you were to acquire a copy of the BP and decided to cut and paste to fit your idea. Even with all the cutting and pasting you would end up with a tiny and that is NOT what you want. You want what you are offering to be unique in a positive way like address a demographic that no one has thought of. For instance a service for 18-wheelers. Unfortunately, this would appear to be a scam for an "escort service".

The popularity of on-line dating is DECLINING BIG TIME because of all the abuses. I actually had an on-line date with a woman that posted a picture of her younger sister and you have heard the horror stories about the "perves",

So unless your really have a unique idea I think that you are wasting your time no matter how you "spin" it with a BP.

Unless you have a couple million for search placement and advertising no one will be able to find you and that is a BIG thing think for potential investors.

Here is a little true experience for you to consider.

I put up an on-line catalog in the BEGINNING when amazon and ebay were just starting. I had also written many new product proposals and a few BPs.

I had several interested investors but they wanted so sell at a loss to generate hits and volume and sell advertising etc.

My plan was to sell at a PROFIT with none of the other foolishness that buried and the rest of them that tanked. I also refused to sell my soul to the IB sharks.

The business worked for two years with a few people working until 3-4AM because we all had a regular job during the day.

If you want to get a taste of an internet business for a little money, try selling selling some stuff on Ebay.

The BLUNT truth is that NOBODY is going to give you a few million for on-line dating no matter how you spin the BP.

I also have no idea what level of experience you have with OLDing, but if you do not have an EXCELLENT Executive team with a TON of experience with OLDing it just is NOT going to happen.

If this is a school assignment you will learn NOTHING in the process and defeat the purpose of the class.

Just as a side note, I did sales and marketing consulting, got $200 and hour and called my own hours.

Good Luck,

How is Ebay doing business wise in 2009?

November 16th, 2012 2 comments

I was wondering how ebay is doing now that the economy has gone back to 1929?

How are the sales? Have a lot of sellers dropped out?
I agree, they got very annoying after their business picked up. Too many laws with not enough employees to help people out. I stopped selling a few years back. No matter what happens ebay makes their money even if your item does not sell.

Their business has slowed down big time because people are not buying as much as before. And their sellers are very unhappy because ebay took away their right to give ratings to good or bad costumers which was the seller’s only way of protecting themselves against bad buyers.

Ebay will lose many of their top sellers this year because of the bad economy and this stupid new rule about buyers being able to rate sellers but sellers having no rights to defend themselves.

what is selling good on ebay ?

November 2nd, 2012 13 comments

any helpful ebay selling tips will alos be aperciated , dose ebay charge you if you dont sale a item and you just do a basic plain jane advertisment with no speciale features ?

Read up on FEE-BAY as they just recently altered their prices, commission, fee’s, etc. Enough so that many of the long timer ebay’rs are leaving in droves.

I myself use to have 3 stores on ebay, I have closed down 2 now and in process of closing last one this month. Not worth my time and energy as there is no profit anymore on fee-bay.

Figure if you sell something for $20, after all the listing fee’s, ending fee’s, closing fee’s, paypal fee’s, store fee’s, you might, MIGHT make $5 if you are lucky.

Ebay owns Paypal so they are making out like bandits on both sides of the coin. All they have done is build a web site, they don’t touch product, store product, nothing yet make more than the sellers do who actually do all the work.

Sellers made ebay and they forgot that….so now the sellers are leaving. I know of over 100 big time ebayrs that have closed up due to these recent price changes and the same ole same ole ebay jerking their customers.