What are the best items to sell on ebay for a beginning seller?
I want to try to work part time selling on ebay. Does anyone that does this have any ideas for a beginner?
Hi – I am an established seller on eBay. eBay has been my full time job for 4 years, and I have sold over 12,000 items.
Many books on eBay selling tell you what days and times to post your listings. In my experience, anything can sell at any time. I list 10 new items every day. I have sales every day. I have store inventory sales, and I get best offers every day. Even holidays. Even in the middle of the night while I am sleeping.
If you offer international shipping, people around the world can bid on or buy your items even while you sleep. There are bidders and buyers in every time zone around the world.
I don’t know where the information about “best time to list” is coming from. I sell 75% of my items on auction within 7 days, and the remaining 25 % is sold through store inventory at a fixed price or by best offer within 30 days. I must be doing something right.
I have not been able to identify any patterns on buying habits. I just keep listing, and the items keep selling. I have sold Christmas items in July, shorts in February, bathing suits in December, and cashmere sweaters in June.
Don’t overlook holidays. Think about it – not everyone is with family and friends on holidays. Businesses are closed and there is nothing to do. Some folks are at home alone, or at work with nothing to do, goofing around on the computer. They may surf over to eBay for a look. I sell just as much on Christmas, New Year’s, and Thanksgiving as I do on any other day. Some people are just plain addicted to eBay and will compulsively shop every day if given the chance. Provide items for them to buy!
Please email me directly if you have specific questions and I can share more information with you.
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