
Posts Tagged ‘Barriers To Entry’

Looking for tips for selling things on ebay?

October 17th, 2012 1 comment

I’ve been researching ways to make money from home and decided on trying out selling stuff on ebay. So far its just been things around the house that werent needed and its been "ok" i guess but im an amerature to say the least.

I’m looking for tips on how to increase my sales. Ways to make my listing stand out and look more appealing. Stuff like that. I’ve read that free shipping gets peoples attention, but how can i still make a decent profit from doing things like that?

Also im wondering what are good/popular things to sell on ebay. Im willing to look around at thrift stores and was thinking of maybe shopping at goodwill and coming up with childrens clothes lots as i have a good eye for whats cute but these are just ideas.

Any tips or suggestions at all would be great as im pretty inexperienced.

Thanks in advance 🙂

Selling on eBay is exactly like selling in any other marketplace except that the usual barriers to entry such as cost, employment, etc., are virtually non-existent and instead of just a few thousand potential buyers, you have access worldwide to over 181 million potential buyers![1] For those who have already experienced selling through garage or yard sales or through swap meets, you’re already well and truly familiar with selling on eBay.

Most importantly, whether you’re a novice seller or someone who has been selling for a while, is to realize that there isn’t any single secret to sales success. There are some generalizations that apply but even they have their exceptions and the reality is that you need to try out the selling your own way until you find the way that produces the most success for you, your items and your approach. Rely on your common sense, good observation and research skills as well as being an excellent communicator and you’ll be able to make a success of selling on eBay. Don’t make it any harder than it is, which really, isn’t that hard at all!

Here is a little to help you start on your way to becoming an eBay seller, whether you’re a small home business, a big business, or just trying to sell some stuff you may have sitting around.