
Posts Tagged ‘Auctiva’

How can I freely advertise for people to buy stuff from my online ebay store?

November 20th, 2012 2 comments

Nobody is buying anything from me on Ebay and I think I should start promoting. My username is nayanerry.

I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, I don’t mean to sound critical, just passing on some advice that will hopefully help you increase sales.

Your pictures are not clear, you need more lighting. Notice in every description you say the fabric is brighter than the picture shows. Take the clothes outside for better lighting if you have to. Take a closer shot to show the detail of the fabric. You are using auctiva, so the extra pictures will not cost you any more.

Iron the khaki dress

You absolutely need better descriptions, you need to give better sizes of your clothes, not just small, med, large, but take measurements across the shoulders, down the sleeves, the length of the dress.

2 of the items you have up for sale have misspelled words in the title. People will not find them because of this (denim and saint).

Use more keywords, leave out the word size, the word by and any extra commas, periods or dashes. This leaves you more room to use more search-able words, denim jean romper sleeveless dress. Your title doesn’t have to make sense it needs to have the words that people will search to find your product.

Also, you should mention that you combine shipping. At $6 to ship and a starting bid of $7.99, you are asking someone to pay at a minimum $13.99 for a used Kathi Lee Kmart dress, (would you?).

Hope these tips help you increase sales and become profitable.