What is the best way to purchase cheap Dallas Cowboys tickets?
The Dallas Cowboys Web-site allows season ticket holders to post tickets, but every season ticket holder lists them above face value. What is the cheapest method…anyone?
Being that I am a ticket broker, it is possible to purchase cheap cowboys tickets. The trick is to find them. The best sources are ebay, Stubhub and discounts on ticket broker web-sites. Some times you can find season ticket holders on Ticketmaster that sell their seats cheap by accident, but not the norm. Also, the Cowboys will release their seats before the season starts on ticketmaster, but it normally starts with season ticket purchases, then if remaining seats will be sold individually. For the absolute cheapest, you can purchase seats below face value for preseason games, but not regular season games. The regular season games will be above the face value, but not really, since season ticketholders all paid a premium option fee that is factored into the ticket price.
If you have the patience, you should wait until the day of the game, and all ebay sellers will be asking below face value…i know that since i have done that every year. When tickets dont sell, sellers will just about give them away. Since the cowboys schedule isn’t filled with big games, their is a great chance of this happening again…i would go to vegas on that bet.
If you are giving them as a gift and can’t wait, best bet are the following: Stubhub, ebay auction style sells, or a ticket broker like eticketcentral (my web-site). Stubhub allows individuals to sell at any price and there are often great deals that occur or tickets priced incorrectly cheap. ebay auction sales require many people to bid, and it is very possible to catch a slow moment. Else, other broker web-sites will have 10% discounts like my web-site. The bottom line price will normally beat stubhub, but maybe not ebay. You can always request a discount at my web-site, and we will give you one. Above all else, shop around. My web-site is: http://www.eticketcentral.com
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