I recently put an auction up on ebay-the buy it now price should be 485 instead of 385. I accidentally pressed 3 instead of 4. If someone buys my item for 385, I will lose money. That is fairly undercut. Please give me instructions on how to remove the buy it now and let the auction work or how to just revise the buy it now. Thank you!
Changing Your Listing (Title, Description, Price, Shipping)
Once you’ve listed your item, you may be able to change some details in your listing, depending on the time that’s left before the listing ends and whether you’ve received any bids or sales.
To revise your listing:
Click My eBay at the top of most eBay pages.
Under My eBay Views, click Selling. Your active listings are displayed.
Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro subscribers: Use the Active view within My eBay.
In the row for the item you want to change, from the Action column pull-down menu, click Revise.
On the "Revise your listing" page, make your changes. (Any gray sections can’t be revised.)
Click Save and Continue.
To revise multiple listings:
Click My eBay at the top of most eBay pages.
Under My eBay Views, click Selling. Your active listings are displayed.
Selling Manager and Selling Manager Pro subscribers: Use the Active view within My eBay.
Select the listings you want to revise, and click the Edit button.
Note: You can only revise 10 listings at once unless you’re a Selling Manager or Selling Manager Pro subscriber (subscribers can revise up to 200 listings at once.)
Specify the information you want to edit on the Edit Listing page.
Select Edit listings individually to change listings one at a time.
Select Edit listings in bulk to make the same changes to all of the listings (according to their selling format).
Click Continue.
If you select Edit listings individually, the Edit Individual Listings page appears.
If you select the Edit listings in bulk option, the Edit Listings in Bulk page appears.
Edit your listings and click Continue.
For items associated with products that may be in our catalog, you’ll be offered the option to “Add product details to your listing.”
If you’re editing listings in bulk, we’ll ask you to add product details to listings one at a time.
Check your changes on the "Review your listings" page.
Click the Submit button. If you need to make more changes first, click the Back button.
I got this site from Ebay
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