
Posts Tagged ‘50 Cent’

When does Ebay charge the final value fee?

February 15th, 2013 4 comments

I am preparing to sell my first item on ebay for about 350 bucks. To list it, it is 40 cents, but how much and when will the final value price and any other fees be charged? Do they automatically take it out of my money?

eBay requires sellers to set up an automatic payment method to pay their selling fee invoice, although eBay does allow you to pay early with a different method. When eBay invoices will be due varies for each seller, if I recall, the cut off is either set up for the 1st or 15th, mine is the 15th of the month, and I receive a bill a few days later and then in a few more days the money is automatically withdrawn from my payment source.

eBay – How do I pay my selling fees:

The eBay listing fees are charged to your account when you list an item, and the final value fees are charged to your account when the item sells, but you pay by your monthly invoice.

As to fee expenses. You have eBay listing fees, eBay final value fees if the item sales, and PayPal fees if you are paid via PayPal. I usually allow about 15% for fees.

Basically the costs are the listing fees for most things to "auction" which are about 10 cents to $2 and the final value fee is about 9% plus PayPal fee if applicable, which is about 3% (see further down).

The fixed price fees really require reading the fees chart, but basically about 7% to 13% plus a 50 cent listing fee unless you have an eBay store. There are add-on options you can add like bold and highlight so as you can see, the fee costs are complicated, depending if it’s an auction or fixed priced listing and any extras. The link to the eBay fee page is below.

The PayPal information is:
There’s no fee to use PayPal to purchase goods or services. However, if you receive money for goods or services (such as from selling an item on eBay), the fee for each transaction is 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount you receive. The link is below.

Here is some additional eBay seller info from their web site:

What are the requirements to sell on eBay? Provide us with a valid credit card, debit card, or bank account information. Let us know how you would like to pay your seller fees. Select the payment methods you’ll accept. Make sure your Feedback Profile is public. We also recommend that you become PayPal verified.

Ebay and Paypal HELP How Much does it cost to list on Ebay and how much does Ebay and Paypal take if you sell?

November 18th, 2012 3 comments

How much does it cost to list an item on ebay? I have some rings I need to sell and Plan on putting on 2-3 pics of each ring. Also how much does ebay and/ or paypal take out if you sell it?

I have an ebay account with feedback. I have bought stuff, but have not sold anything.

Thanks for your help.

You have eBay listing fees, eBay final value fees if the item sales, and PayPal fees if you are paid via PayPal. I usually allow about 15%.

Basically the costs are the listing fees for most things to "auction" which are about 10 cents to $2 and the final value fee is about 9% plus PayPal fee if applicable, which is about 3% (see further down).

The fixed price fees really require reading the fees chart, but basically about 7% to 13% plus a 50 cent listing fee unless you have an eBay store. There are add-on options you can add like bold and highlight so as you can see, the fee costs are complicated, depending if it’s an auction or fixed priced listing and any extras. The link to the eBay fee page is below.

The PayPal information is:
There’s no fee to use PayPal to purchase goods or services. However, if you receive money for goods or services (such as from selling an item on eBay), the fee for each transaction is 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount you receive. The link is below.

Here is some additional eBay seller info from their web site:

What are the requirements to sell on eBay? Provide us with a valid credit card, debit card, or bank account information. Let us know how you would like to pay your seller fees. Select the payment methods you’ll accept. Make sure your Feedback Profile is public. We also recommend that you become PayPal verified.

You can add one picture for free with each listing. (Gallery picture).

Why do people on Ebay put Best Offer option if?

November 12th, 2012 2 comments

They don’t ever accept a best offer. I have submitted many offers recently(last couple days) to about 4 to 5 different people all having the same product. I offer 6 to 8 dollars less than the buy it now price and they all decline my offer and offer me a counter offer of like 40 to 50 cent less than their Buy It Now price.
Anyone else think thats just rediculous? Whats your opinion?

All depends on what exactly the item is and how much they are asking $6.00 to $8.00 off can be alot. Also, if the seller has previously sold similar items for around the same price, they simply won’t take below $1.00 or $2.00 off as they know that when the right buyer comes along they can get closer to the price they are asking. Best offer feature is better used when purchasing multiple quantities or lots, as the seller is then more willing to lower the asking price if they are getting a large sale from a buyer. Pretty much all depends on the seller and item/items involved.