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What are the best items to sell on ebay to make a profit?

November 16th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I want to start selling on ebay. But I am not sure what items will sell. Any ideas?

The best items to sell are those that sells. The key to a successful eBay selling is simple — Sell products that people actually want.

Selling on eBay is not as easy as some portray. In fact, go to eBay and check out the number of auctions that end without a single bid. Competition is getting tough, as more sellers go to eBay; even the big boys are joining in the eBay marketplace. Add to that the increasing listing and final value fees.

eBay has several ways for you to determine exactly what the hot items to sell on their marketplace:

Items In Demand = the most popular items currently within that particular category. To see the In Demand page, go to http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/sellbycategory.html

Hot Items by Category Report = a monthly report that lists the fastest growing categories on eBay for the previous month. Go to http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/whatshot.html and select "Hot Items by Category" from the menu on the left.

eBay Pulse = "a daily snapshot of current trends, hot picks, and cool stuff on eBay". Go to http://pulse.ebay.com/ to see eBay Pulse in action.

Merchandising Calendar = eBay promotes specific categories on its home page each month. Savvy eBayers know that this home page exposure results in more interest in such categories. Go to http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/calendar.html to view the current Merchandising Calendar.

  1. 0976
    November 16th, 2012 at 06:47 | #1

    what people want and people want anything
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  2. Skullchick
    November 16th, 2012 at 06:57 | #2

    I’ve found (and this may not be true for everyone) that ‘small’ items sell best. Things that do not take alot of $$ in shipping. I sold hundreds of CD’s and DVD’s all at flat rate shipping. Small knickKnacks and curios, books(4th class). Anything I had that was ‘larger’ and required moderate to high postage did not seem to go as quickly. This may not answer your question but may give you some avenues to ponder:) *Good Luck*
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  3. honorablepassion
    November 16th, 2012 at 07:07 | #3

    INWO card game (printed in 1995); the factory set
    The Lone Gunmen
    Loose Change 2nd edition
    and glowsticks do well – can buy $3k from china & sell ’em cheap
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  4. imisidro
    November 16th, 2012 at 07:38 | #4

    The best items to sell are those that sells. The key to a successful eBay selling is simple — Sell products that people actually want.

    Selling on eBay is not as easy as some portray. In fact, go to eBay and check out the number of auctions that end without a single bid. Competition is getting tough, as more sellers go to eBay; even the big boys are joining in the eBay marketplace. Add to that the increasing listing and final value fees.

    eBay has several ways for you to determine exactly what the hot items to sell on their marketplace:

    Items In Demand = the most popular items currently within that particular category. To see the In Demand page, go to http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/sellbycategory.html

    Hot Items by Category Report = a monthly report that lists the fastest growing categories on eBay for the previous month. Go to http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/whatshot.html and select "Hot Items by Category" from the menu on the left.

    eBay Pulse = "a daily snapshot of current trends, hot picks, and cool stuff on eBay". Go to http://pulse.ebay.com/ to see eBay Pulse in action.

    Merchandising Calendar = eBay promotes specific categories on its home page each month. Savvy eBayers know that this home page exposure results in more interest in such categories. Go to http://pages.ebay.com/sellercentral/calendar.html to view the current Merchandising Calendar.
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  5. rk_king2004
    November 16th, 2012 at 07:57 | #5

    You can sell anything on ebay to make money
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