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Selling Watches On Ebay

Anybody has the ability to make money online with eBay. The great thing about eBay is that you can sell any item you wish (within reason) without having to spend much. You do not have to pay for your own website or hosting. The only expenses that you will incur are listing fees, as well as final selling fees. Even though these can be a bit pricey, they will not greatly affect your bottom line.

If you are interested in selling watches, eBay is a great place to start. Not only can you keep your expenses low, but you can also reach a large number of people without doing much work. But before you get too excited about the prospects of doing business on eBay¸ you will need to know how to be a success. After all, if it were easy to sell and make big profits everybody would be doing it.

The first thing to remember is that eBay can be a competitive market place. For this reason you will need to do whatever you can to set yourself apart from the rest of the listings. One of the best ways to do this is by lowering your prices a bit. You should still make a profit on each sale, but with a slightly lower price than the rest of the listings you will garner more business.

In addition to price, use pictures to show just how good your watches are. Instead of only showing one picture, why not list three or four? This will give the buyer more confidence, and in turn give you more sales. To take pictures for your eBay listings all you need is a digital camera. In a matter of minutes you can snap off the shots that you need, and have your item listed. It is that easy.

Finally, be sure to add a high quality description along with the pictures. Remember, this is what will tell people what they are getting, and what they should expect. Without a good description you will only be wasting your time. You may have trouble at first with the description portion of your listings. But over time you will get used to what works and what doesn’t.

Selling watches on eBay is a great way to make money. Just ask one of the hundreds of people that do it for a full-time living. But do not get caught thinking that this is a get rich quick scheme. If you are going to sell watches on eBay you need to be totally committed to what you are doing.

Over time you will become familiar with the system, and your profits will begin to grow. This is when the fun really starts.

Dustin Cannon

  1. Will Johnson
    June 22nd, 2012 at 21:12 | #1

    How much can I make by selling watches on Ebay?
    Hi, I wanna know How much can I make by selling watches on Ebay? I live in Atlanta,GA and I have some expensive watches like Breitling ,Rolex ,Rado ,Tag Heaur but they r all First copy means not pure original.They cost me around $200 and more So I would definitely wanna sell them at $50/piece profit. I can Exchange it if customer doesn’t like it But is it legal to sell first copies.How much it costs to place my ad on Ebay bid? Pls reply ,Thnx!!!

  2. Tonytigger
    June 23rd, 2012 at 02:14 | #2

    it cost about 35 cents to $2 for an ad
    ive seen some people sell things for very cheap, like the price was too good to be true BUT the shipping price cost about $200 so maybe u wanna try that trick
    if u dont wanna try that trick just do free shipping caz ppl like free shipping, u want to sell the watch for $50 sell it for $55 the extra $5 is shipping cost
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  3. Ed Atun
    June 23rd, 2012 at 02:16 | #3

    You can not mention the name-brand or your ad will be pulled off. You have to be clear what you are selling. When you are honest, there is no way for you to make the $50 you want to make.
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  4. Captain Obvious
    June 23rd, 2012 at 02:18 | #4

    EBay will suspend your account, and you will have wasted the money you spent on it.

    You did know the fine for being in possession of a fake watch, or other product is $5000 per item. “Dude you are getting a cell”.

    Even in Hong Kong they just show you a photograph of the watch. If you want the watch, the guy will call his friend, who will show up with the watch in hand in about 2 min. They do this because not only will the police confiscate his watches, but he will be fined so much per watch.
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