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How should I go about selling on ebay?

January 18th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

I am interested in trying to sell on ebay, but I’m not sure where to go to find things to sell. Is there anyone who sells things on ebay who is willing to share this valuable information? I would really appreciate it.

A friend sells a truckload of computers every month and he gets them for free or some sort at the rubbish dumps.
I sometimes help him fix them but mostly they work.
He makes $10.000 a month.

  1. Shaniqua
    January 19th, 2013 at 04:36 | #1

    Items from garage and estate sales or something you make yourself.

    You are likely not going to profit from anything you buy at a retail store or online to resell on ebay. This is due to the number of people doing the same thing and crime rings that steal the products and sell them online.
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  2. John
    January 19th, 2013 at 05:04 | #2

    On garbage day people throw out a lot of great stuff. Just sell it "as is", only a moron would buy something marked thus, and there are plenty of ’em on ebay.
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  3. Stephi
    January 19th, 2013 at 05:41 | #3

    Nonono, no, dude! Do Craig’sList, no one trusts ebay anymore, and it’s easier, I sold a room full of discarded balsa wood to some one in Iowa, named Bill.
    References :

  4. Lega
    January 19th, 2013 at 06:31 | #4

    Buy it at the market in the early mornings.
    References :
    i just know

  5. Abhishek
    January 19th, 2013 at 06:46 | #5

    Heloo, we are the leading manufacturers of Saddles and other Tack items which sell very good at ebay as well, many sellers are already making lots of dollars via selling saddles purchased from us, You can also give it a try, we do dropshipping as well, and Help you to sell on ebay as well items purchased from us. So what you are waiting for? Just go to our web site http://www.tackshoppeinternational.com, choose the model you want to sell on ebay.. and just start making $$$. We provde you all details need to make a listing on ebay. Do contact us if you have any querry. Thanks waiting to hear from your side soon. Thanks and warm regards.

    Web site- http://www.tackshoppeinternational.com
    References :

  6. Alexander The Red/Brown Bread
    January 19th, 2013 at 06:52 | #6

    A friend sells a truckload of computers every month and he gets them for free or some sort at the rubbish dumps.
    I sometimes help him fix them but mostly they work.
    He makes $10.000 a month.
    References :

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