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How do I delete an item that I am selling on Ebay?

December 16th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Would like to delete a few items I am selling on Ebay until I can learn a little bit more about the process and get my shipping items in order. There are no bids on these items and I plan to relist them soon. Can anyone help? Thanks a bunch!

You can remove them, but I believe you still pay the listing fee. Ebay frowns on this, obviously. Log into your account and I believe the option is there. If not, contact ebay customer support.

  1. airdogspace2
    December 16th, 2012 at 12:25 | #1

    You have to cancel the item. Its in your MyEbay panel. Or search for help on Ebay. You better do it soon, if somebody bids you can’t cancel it.
    References :

  2. David K
    December 16th, 2012 at 12:55 | #2

    You can remove them, but I believe you still pay the listing fee. Ebay frowns on this, obviously. Log into your account and I believe the option is there. If not, contact ebay customer support.
    References :

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