Home > ebay store sales > Sale/Trade Binder!! + Ebay Store!

Sale/Trade Binder!! + Ebay Store!

This is my Sale/Trade binder! Most things will be on my ebay which I will provide a link for below!!

Major Wants:
Pot Of Duality x2
Effect veiler x2
Fossil Dyna x1
Though Ruler Archfiend x1
Trident Dragion

Normal Wants:
Reborn Tengu (Ultra)
Tour Guide From the Underworld
(Please see my page for other wants)


Keep subscribing guys its very much appreciated!!!

Duration : 0:4:46

[youtube Xd1-lWiDpdI]

  1. luckybear0301
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #1


  2. dbzfan6675
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #2

    Na I need the cash. …
    Na I need the cash. Id put money in for stuff like duality and that

  3. blacklight671
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #3

    you buying your …
    you buying your wants?

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