Recent Ebay Sales from Items Bought At Estate/Garage Sales & Thrift Stores
This video features recent Ebay sales of items I bought at estate and garage sales, as well as thrift stores. My best sales were the Chicago Bulls and Michael Jordan items — GO BULLS!!!
See Ann Save on Facebook:
Ebay Store:
Amazon Storefront:
Duration : 0:1:42
[youtube DUqNqjTlYb0]
Categories: ebay store sales Amazon, Amazon ProMerchant,, Auctions, consignment stores, Ebay,, ecommerce, Estate Sales, Garage Sales, Goodwill, Making Money From Home, making money online, online, Online Auction Sites, online auctions, selling on amazon, Selling On Ebay, selling online, tag sales, thrift stores, WebStore by Amazon, working from home
gotta love it! ~T&D
gotta love it! ~T&D
If you check out my …
If you check out my other videos, I have a step-by-step video on how to ship. Price depends on where you are as it is by weight and zip code. For me, packages under 4 pounds are usually cheaper via Priority Mail rather than Flat Rate. I rarely use Flat Rate boxes – I use Priority, First Class, and Media Mail mostly.
Bulls stuff always …
Bulls stuff always sells well for me, and these items were no exception!! 🙂
Those Bulls items …
Those Bulls items made my week! Those odd priced items were from the consignment store and Goodwill during sales. The consignment store prices things so odd – the mugs were originally $2.90, but I got some on sale for 20% off. When I first bought some, I thought the 9 was a 0. $3 is more than I would have paid. They are sneaky there!
Thank goodness for …
Thank goodness for Bibles and mugs! That Bulls stuff was a major score for me – a friend saw those items as the sale was near his house. He called me and I got over there ASAP. When I asked the price, the guy said, “I think $1 is fair.” Oh, yes, I totally agreed that $1 an item was very FAIR!!!!! 🙂
Coffee mugs and …
Coffee mugs and bibles… bread and butter….lol! Glad to see you back. Nice buy on all the Bulls stuff!! TFS, Heather
Hey girl!
Good job …
Hey girl!
Good job on the Bulk’s items! Why were some of your items bought at such odd prices…2.32?? The season’s on a roll!
Da Bulls! Im gonna …
Da Bulls! Im gonna add you on twitter!
Great video. Where …
Great video. Where do u get boxes to ship out items u sell on ebay? I tried flat rate boxes but would either loose money or get $1 or $2 profit. Is shipping cost expensive if u ship by weight? Get back at me please 🙂