Home > ebay store sales > is there anyone there that has updated the ram on their dell 1501. ?

is there anyone there that has updated the ram on their dell 1501. ?

i need more ram on my 1501, it’s really slow. i’ve seen some on ebay and they look great but when i went to the pc store the guy said no, bad idea, you need us to do it properly. i just think he wanted the sale!
my email is philiphanley@live.com please let me know i don’t want to mess this up, i’m in college and the pc is a necessity

I just upgraded the ram in my lap top using Crucial memory module from 2 GB to 4 GB with no problem. Purchased it from http://frys.com for $35.00 on sale. Remove the ram memory module cover, pull or old snap in new and install cover, power on and the lap top will recognize the new ram. Caution be sure to turn off, unplug from A/C and remove battery before changing out the ram.
Hope this helps

  1. mrankin.matt
    July 20th, 2012 at 01:14 | #1

    Email monkeydeamon@gmx.com for your answer
    References :

  2. Dan L
    July 20th, 2012 at 01:35 | #2

    This is a super easy proccess, especially on a dell 1501. On the back all you have to do is unscrew the little screws (when the PC is off). There should only be one or two of them that for the RAM part. Email me and I can walk you through it. Make sure you have the right ram by going to http://www.crucial.com and scanning it for compatibility with what RAM. Upgrade to max. Good idea by the way. PC store wants your money.

    Email me and I can explain step by step when you get it.
    References :

  3. Bassman1
    July 20th, 2012 at 01:46 | #3

    I just upgraded the ram in my lap top using Crucial memory module from 2 GB to 4 GB with no problem. Purchased it from http://frys.com for $35.00 on sale. Remove the ram memory module cover, pull or old snap in new and install cover, power on and the lap top will recognize the new ram. Caution be sure to turn off, unplug from A/C and remove battery before changing out the ram.
    Hope this helps
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