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How do I run a clothing sales business on eBay?

I am leaving my job as a teacher in a month’s time. I have recently been working weekends selling clothing on a market. I get the stock by buying it in bulk from reputable wholesalers – it’s all new, authentic stuff. The market is going OK but the terrible British summer we’re having is slowing down trade. I’ve decided to move into a shop unit instead, possibly in Leeds or Doncaster.
However, I want to sell my stock on eBay as well. I have used eBay a lot over the years almost as a car-boot style selling place. If I have junk or old football programmes or unwanted DVDs in the loft, I’ve auctioned them on ebay and got a bit of extra cash for them.
Last night, I listed a couple of my market garments as bulk listings. with a fixed price, not as auctions. This morning I decided to list some more, but got told I had surpassed my limit for selling reputable high street clothing this month.
I understand that this is to prevent tax fraud – to stop me from theoretically earning thousands and thousands of pounds on eBay and not paying a penny in tax.
The point is, I want to make thousands and thousands of pounds. I want to make a living out of it. And I want to pay my taxes fairly. This would either be alongside the shop I will be opening, or in place of it if it is successful enough as a purely online venture.
Can someone please talk me through how to set up my ebay account so that I can trade legitimately as a business rather than a casual seller flogging junk from his loft?
How do I register for a VAT number? How do I get the selling restrictions lifted? Etc. Treat me as if I know nothing and talk me through the whole process step by step, please.

with ebay also try some other methods like email marketing or internet marketing,
please check : 365market.wordpress.com

  1. Nakesha
    June 30th, 2012 at 01:42 | #1

    with ebay also try some other methods like email marketing or internet marketing,
    please check : 365market.wordpress.com
    References :

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