Home > ebay store sales > How badly do sales drop on eBay after the holidays?

How badly do sales drop on eBay after the holidays?

November 6th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I need to sell some stuff on ebay but i wont be able to until after the holidays. I’m assuming the buying percentage drops off after christmas eve. If so, when is a good month to start an ebay store?

people slow down with their buying in January, however, they do pick right back up in Feb. Plus, think about if you go ahead and put it up after the holidays, people like to buy next years xmas early because then its taken care of and its cheaper.

But Feb is when the buying goes up back to normal. 🙂

  1. Pretty Other Side
    November 6th, 2012 at 09:20 | #1

    people slow down with their buying in January, however, they do pick right back up in Feb. Plus, think about if you go ahead and put it up after the holidays, people like to buy next years xmas early because then its taken care of and its cheaper.

    But Feb is when the buying goes up back to normal. 🙂
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  2. answerseeker
    November 6th, 2012 at 09:35 | #2

    Quite badly. You would be better off with ebid.net, as it is free to list and FVFs are much less.

    More data here.

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