What would you tend to look for on eBay?
Something for everyone to answer to..
I have recently decided to open up an eBay shop on as you may have guessed.. eBay!
But sales so far have been a little shaky and profits are coming in but really slowly.
I want to increase my sales and make profits even quicker.
I’d like to know what sort of items the public or yourselves would usually tend to buy on eBay and what items you’d want to find for sale.
Any answers or tips will be really useful!
Tractors and bean bags
I buy jewelry
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I would seriously consider selling video game accessories! The market for gaming is great right now! Good luck.
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Anything anime or video games. Maybe even accessories, jewelry, and clothing I suppose.
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wholesale stuff tends to work quite good, like jewelry
or my cousin did this thing that worked good, she got a job in a clothes store (river island) and bought a whole load of stuff in the sale using her discount then sold it on eBay & people would but it for just under full price!
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Cisco networking equipment
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It wouldn’t help you, but I buy almost all my farming equipment off eBay.
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Tractors and bean bags
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i buy everything off ebay……clothing,jewelry,shoes,perfume, stuff for my home like decor bedding shower curtains, make up, nail beauty stuff, work out dvds, workout supplies,stuff for my dog, games, cell phones, mp3 players, hair stuff……i do notice that when shipping is free or at least reasonable it tends to get more bids but other then that im not to much of a seller, im better at the buying, other then that have a nice auction set up, very detailed, answer questions quickly,ship quickly and thats about all i can suggest
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Games or gaming accessories
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√ Your best bet is to take a gander at eBay’s completed listings.
You can research the things you have by categories,
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