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mom’s i need some ebay tips?

want to sell on ebay to make some extra money. how do you do it? for the NWT sales do you go out and look for deals and then post them for sale? how much work is it and how much can i expect to make in a month and how many auctions do i need to have to get to that point? thanks. i would like to make $1000 a month. is this possible? what is the best way to start out? i know there are tons of books to read i just want some quick tips first so i can start and then i will read as i go. thanks.
i’m going to sell mostly kids clothing some used that belong to my children and some new that i find on sale or discounted. do the lots sell better than single pieces or what?

Not as easy as people make out ..you have sellers fees to pay also …so it depends if you want to make this much money i just hope you have a lot to sell !

  1. Miranda S
    July 4th, 2012 at 02:21 | #1

    I buy all my children’s clothes on-line and I only buy lots except when it comes to my daughters dresses. My husband has been selling on ebay for a couple years and it is difficult. First off you want to make sure they are in very good condition. Start the auctions off very low and shipping a little higher. Us mom’s want a great deal on the items and don’t pay much attention to shipping. If you are worried that it will sell at a price to low for your comfort set a reasonable reserve. Take a lot of good clear pictures. It costs more for more pictures but it pays in the end. Check out your competition learn from them. watch how they list ads and what their ads look like. The more professional looking the better. Also keep your feedback pristine. I will buy from someone who has a better feedback rating than someone who does not. Also stock up your inventory before you start selling so you always have the next listing ready. Be accessible to answer questions from bidders. Offer shipping discounts on multiple items. Don’t get down or give up if it takes awhile to get to the $1000 mark. By the way kids items and baby items, clothes, cribs high chairs things like that sell very good. The world will continue to have baby’s and they are going to have to buy clothes and gear!! Good Luck. I look forward to buying from you!! Have Fun!!
    References :
    Avid ebayer, Mother of 3 months, 5 years and 7 years

  2. xThomas Is My Autistic Wonder x
    July 4th, 2012 at 02:32 | #2

    Not as easy as people make out ..you have sellers fees to pay also …so it depends if you want to make this much money i just hope you have a lot to sell !
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  3. gem_n_toe
    July 4th, 2012 at 02:37 | #3

    I am still trying to master ebay. My advice would be to take a bit of time to describe each item the best you can, set your starting bid at a price you would be willing to accept to avoid dissapointment, research similar items to an extent, and quote postage accurately ( i do mine at cost and add 50p – 75p to cover postage and some fees, this is working quite well so far and keeps me inline with other sellers.
    Also consider what you would be realistically willing to pay. Buy good quality items, these sell better. I think you need to register as a business seller if you are buying goods specifically to sell at a profit. You would need to put a lot of time and effort into making a significant amount of money. I have read tips on ebay forums that advise you to set up a seperate website, which you advertise when sending goods out (putting a link on your auction breaks ebay rules).

    I have not sold much in lots yet but some seem to sell really well and you can save a lot of time doing this. But categorise the clothing, ie put more desirable brands together, do not mix with less desirable as those lots don’t seem to sell so well. I would not use this method for items you have bought to make a profit though, they would be better in seperate auctions.

    Also offer a set postage discount for multiple purchases and take time to list each item in the correct category with the item specifics completed.

    I would really advise you to check out the boards in the ebay community but be thick skinned as they can be quite harsh with people and they would probably laugh at you for expecting to make so much money with no experience.

    Good luck!
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  4. Effectual_Fervent_Faith
    July 4th, 2012 at 03:26 | #4

    It’s very simple, until you do the actual trasaction.
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