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How long does it take ebay to list your items for sale?

October 27th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Im new to selling on ebay, i have listed a few items for sale an hour or so ago. While they appear in "my ebay" I can’t find them online when searching, and when i look at my member profile it says i have no items for sale. How long should it usually take for them to be listed online? Any tips appreciated, thanks 🙂

eBay updates their database every 15 minutes so you should see a new item within 15 minutes of listing. It takes about a day for Google and the other search engines to index it so keep that in mind when you choose a listing time. Make sure that ebay is not having a problem or that you saved a draft and didn’t publish the listing. Also you may have disabled cookies (which are mandatory).

Did you know that you can profit from Wigix without even selling products? And selling items under $25 is free. Sign up for free and become a category expert, add products to the catalog for 5% profit sharing and sign up friends and make money on their profits.

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  1. Rachel
    October 27th, 2012 at 13:06 | #1

    eBay lists items immediately, so if they aren’t showing up, there’s some kind of problem, whether it be on their end or yours. You may want to send an email to their technical support, providing them with the listings’ numbers that you have on your profile and asking them why they aren’t showing up under the proper categories when you search.
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  2. hplss.rmntc
    October 27th, 2012 at 13:22 | #2

    Unless you set a specific time for it to start (and paid the extra 10 cents) it should show up in a few minutes.
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  3. diet_coke_ca
    October 27th, 2012 at 13:59 | #3

    I find that my items show up in searches in about 15 minutes. Just, whatever you do, DO NOT revise the listing after you submit it. That delays the indexing so it will take much longer to see your item.

    If you already revised it, don’t worry. Just try searching again in a few hours.
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  4. Search Marketing Man
    October 27th, 2012 at 14:30 | #4

    eBay updates their database every 15 minutes so you should see a new item within 15 minutes of listing. It takes about a day for Google and the other search engines to index it so keep that in mind when you choose a listing time. Make sure that ebay is not having a problem or that you saved a draft and didn’t publish the listing. Also you may have disabled cookies (which are mandatory).

    Did you know that you can profit from Wigix without even selling products? And selling items under $25 is free. Sign up for free and become a category expert, add products to the catalog for 5% profit sharing and sign up friends and make money on their profits.

    Sign up free at https://www.wigix.com/index.php/user_registration/index/5966
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