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ebay tips?

hello I am selling some products for home decors. I just recently set up an account with ebay as a new seller.
need some advice on how to get some sales going.
so if you have any and is a seasoned seller on ebay and can share some tips. email me@ simiyah2002@yahoo.com

get feedback up to at least 10 before you start selling
I am leary about buying from newbies with 0 feedback

  1. Mopar Muscle Gal
    June 30th, 2012 at 02:18 | #1

    get feedback up to at least 10 before you start selling
    I am leary about buying from newbies with 0 feedback
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  2. srjrfan
    June 30th, 2012 at 02:49 | #2

    I agree with Mopar, that is a huge help because folks tend to flock to sellers that have alot of feedback. Also, take a look at what other sellers are doing, auction design, prices and so on, make yours stand out from theirs. It normally takes a little bit to get things going, as long as you provide a good service and a good product, word of mouth will spread. I would also suggest not to just confine yourself to ebay. There are plenty of aucitons sites our there that are starting to get more and more traffic. I myself sell off of 3 different auction sites. One other one to try out is http://www.ecrater.com, you can actually set you up somewhat of a storefront with it costing you anything.

    Good luck!!
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