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Do you have any money saving tips for new parents?

December 16th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

My husband and I are young and own our business – we get some money, but it hasn’t really taken off yet. Our baby is due in the spring, and while we’re both very excited, we know it’ll be tight for a while. Do you have any money saving tips for new parents – cheap but good brands, that kind of thing? Anything at all would be helpful – even stuff that doesn’t necessarily relate directly to being a parent (insurance, cars, etc.)

Breastfeed! Its a triple hit. Mothers who breastfeed have less medical issues than those two dont- theres even trends suggesting those who breast feed have a significant lessened risk of breast cancer. Babies who are breastfed are 2/3 (66%) less likely to need hospitalization during their first year- the antibodies provided by mother and assimilated at the breast by baby’s saliva actually ward off infection disease in the infant. Plus theres less gastrointintestinal distress and medication needed on average… AND you save literally 100+ a month on formula. Plus breastfed babies tend to poop less, which means less diapers.

Stock up on diapers now, before and after you get pregnant- sales come and go and you can save quite a bit by buying them now and stockpiling. Personally I think huggies supreme tend to be the best over all- being a first time mom makes it harder to decide. You can also get a walmart gift card and keep adding to it for diapers later.

Cook food from scratch- dont buy premade mixes or meals, or order out- cooking from scratch takes more time, but its better for you and saves a ton in the long run.

You can get factory direct prices from sellers on ebay on baby gear. Car seats, strollers, and cribs. Brand new.

ALWAYS google coupon codes before you buy anything!

Those are probably my biggest tips.

  1. HangingChad
    December 16th, 2012 at 12:46 | #1

    Get on the Dave Ramsey plan
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  2. Lone wolf
    December 16th, 2012 at 13:08 | #2

    well budget food from surper market are not too bad some times better than the branded and shop around some of the best things are cheap from superstores
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  3. Chris
    December 16th, 2012 at 13:47 | #3

    Well Walgreen sells their brand diapers that actually work well. Search for coupons online that are printable. Create a savings account for your newborn and start putting what you can in there.
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  4. step885
    December 16th, 2012 at 14:29 | #4

    Clip coupons. Get rid of cable/satellite or just premium channels. Get rid of Blackberry and less techo phone. Keep your a/c turned up so it’s not as cold. Turn lights off when not using them. Carpool and save on gas. Eat out less.
    Also, the private label brands at the grocery store are worth a try, why get a brand name if it’s not better?
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    my hubby and I recently tightened our own belts.

  5. Daniel
    December 16th, 2012 at 15:11 | #5

    You could get one of those big tins where you put your money in and the only way to get it out is to use a can opener or better yet a big whiskey jar where you put your money in and you have to smash it
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  6. kariweber_17
    December 16th, 2012 at 15:47 | #6

    dont go out a buy a brand new car lol dont buy pampers and huggies they cost way to much but luvs opr watever is on sale. go to 2nd hand shops to buy clothes and all baby stuff
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  7. jessie
    December 16th, 2012 at 16:32 | #7

    Store brand stuff is great.. just as good as brand name!!
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  8. not 2 B fooled
    December 16th, 2012 at 17:00 | #8

    Two easy things to do (if not being done already, and this applies to anyone) … # 1 – put loose change into jars, coffee cans, etc; you will be surprised how much change adds up in a few months time….# 2 – recycle all plastic water, soda , juice and milk containers, and aluminum cans….again, it will add up to some grocery $$
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  9. Fred F
    December 16th, 2012 at 17:23 | #9


    Clip coupons, Sunday papers and every where else.
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  10. creyesangel88
    December 16th, 2012 at 18:04 | #10

    Luvs is the cheapest name brand that’s still good. it has more than the the competitive brands as well. they’re not the best when your kid starts to get really active, so switch to Pampers which has always worked best with me, at 5 or 6 months, which is when he/she should be starting to sit and roll and try to crawl etc.
    also Kohls has the best quality clothes for super cheap.
    and the best tip of buy all the at about baby bottles from the dollar store. for my sister’s baby shower she recieved these big name bottles and they all broke before 3months. but Gerber brand nipples but Dollar store actually holds out well.

    also doctors have confirmed with us when teething you don’t have to overpay for baby orajel because regular works just fine with them. Humphreys teething tablets are great for that time too. and i forget when, but fairly early if your kid eats too much you can put a small amount of gerber cereal in the bottles at night.

    Beech Nut is also just as good as Gerber, when he starts on solids, and target and wal-mart tend to have them on sale for super cheap as well.
    References :
    i baby-sit my 15month nephew full time. I also live with them.

  11. Is it over yet?
    December 16th, 2012 at 18:29 | #11

    Breastfeed! Its a triple hit. Mothers who breastfeed have less medical issues than those two dont- theres even trends suggesting those who breast feed have a significant lessened risk of breast cancer. Babies who are breastfed are 2/3 (66%) less likely to need hospitalization during their first year- the antibodies provided by mother and assimilated at the breast by baby’s saliva actually ward off infection disease in the infant. Plus theres less gastrointintestinal distress and medication needed on average… AND you save literally 100+ a month on formula. Plus breastfed babies tend to poop less, which means less diapers.

    Stock up on diapers now, before and after you get pregnant- sales come and go and you can save quite a bit by buying them now and stockpiling. Personally I think huggies supreme tend to be the best over all- being a first time mom makes it harder to decide. You can also get a walmart gift card and keep adding to it for diapers later.

    Cook food from scratch- dont buy premade mixes or meals, or order out- cooking from scratch takes more time, but its better for you and saves a ton in the long run.

    You can get factory direct prices from sellers on ebay on baby gear. Car seats, strollers, and cribs. Brand new.

    ALWAYS google coupon codes before you buy anything!

    Those are probably my biggest tips.
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  12. Vicki
    December 16th, 2012 at 18:40 | #12

    I’m not in the US so i can’t give specifics on brands but…
    Don’t be too proud to take hand-me-downs. My friends have spent way more than they should have because they wouldn’t take any of my sons old clothes, a buggy that was never used, bedding, even packs of diapers that were never opened.
    Bulk buy things like diapers and wipes. And don’t always go for the big brand names, they’re not always the best.
    Do some shopping around on your insurances and utilities, make sure you’re getting the best deal.
    Don’t drive if you can walk, and save the fuel.
    Don’t "newborn" sized clothes, if you have a bigger baby, they’ll grow out of them quickly (my son was in them for about 6 days)
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  13. momof2girls
    December 16th, 2012 at 18:47 | #13

    buy your diapers at Sam’s.. buy in bulk, it does help, if you are going to formula feed, then go to sames bj’s or something like that and get their brand, it is the same thing and it will last a while. only buy what you need for the baby meaning the baby does not need a 30.00 shirt buy at walmart. Find hand me downs , trust me sometimes its a lifesaver, If you have a shower , do not register for a diaper genie( you do not need one of these, your trash can works just as good) there are a lot of things you will not need and they put on there. The baby just needs a crib, cradle and a dresser, changing tables are a luxury but your bed will work just the same. Onsies will be a good thing for you to get at your shower , babies spend a lot of time in them and remember babies do not need twenty pairs of shoes and bows for all occasions or a lot of clothes they grow out of them quickly.

    As parents if you have a drive in you can take the baby there for movies and stuff like that its a cheap way to go to the movies and you get to see two for the price of one. Cut out going out to eat make meals will save you in the long run. and decide on day care that is a huge expense if you can avoid it I suggest doing it.
    References :
    mom to emily,zoe and soon to be calvin due in nov

  14. Julie L
    December 16th, 2012 at 18:59 | #14

    Well I learned that over priced clothing is a big waste when it comes to babies they grow so quick you never get enough use from it. Clip your diaper coupons!!!! See if you qualify for WIC it is a program for you and the baby and it will pay for the formula which is very expensive in itself. I always call all over when shopping for any type of insurance because all of them are different and quote different prices too. This is just a few things but I am sure with all the mommys on here you will get a bunch of ideas. Congratulations!!
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  15. Kris
    December 16th, 2012 at 19:29 | #15

    You are certainly on the right track because if you own your own business you are on the path to becoming a millionaire and being financially free. But make sure you don’t spoil your kids too much. Give them what they need such as an education, clothes and that’s it. Don’t over do anything. Save as much money as you can. If you don’t spoil you kid once they are born then the kid won’t be spoiled and ask you to spend lots of money on him or her. Make sure you keep you business expense to a minimum.

    So in all give your kids what they NEED and not what they WANT. If you can get some one to watch you kids while you run your own business. When you business has made you a millionaire and gave you freedom then you willl spend more quality time with your family.

    Take your lumps now (you might have to take leave on yor business to nuture your kid).Hopefully you have enough employee so that some one can take over for you. Or you and your husband can take alternate shifts running your business.

    Hopefully this helps. Family is number one but it’s good your husband helps you run the business so you guys can alternate running the business and taking care of your kid.
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  16. peking
    December 16th, 2012 at 20:14 | #16

    Not sure where you live, but Craigslist is a godsend. (Also check out Freecycle.) We hardly bought anything new for our baby; from Craigslist we got a used car seat, snap ‘n go, crib, bouncy seat, swing, etc. A lot of parents are dying to get rid of stuff that’s taking up a lot of space in their houses/apartments and will often give you stuff for free; we got a free ‘diaper champ,’ baby bathtub, humidifier, etc. when we went to buy other stuff from people.

    We knew we wanted a cushy pneumatic-wheeled stroller, but the idea of a $900 behemoth made us both gag – we bought a $150 Fisher Price one from Target that is just fantastic.

    We got a $10 MP3 player with speakers from a cut-out store, and put white noise & lullabyes etc on it – very good when she was a newborn.

    We "borrowed" cloth diapers (for spitups) and swaddling cloths from the hospital. Oops, never returned them <cough>. We did buy Pampers and still do; the store brands just didn’t seem as good.

    And you will get tons of stuff as gifts anyway, I suspect – we have barely bought any clothes at all (handmedowns galore). Breastfeed – it’s free, it’s healthier, it’s more convenient as you always have your boobs with you.

    Babies do not have to cost you a fortune. Now, *college* …that’s another story!

    One book you might enjoy is "Parenting, Inc" by Pamela Paul. It’s a funny, scathing expose of the burgeoning baby-gear industry. I loved it.

    Can’t help with cars; we lived in a major city and used public transportation. Re insurance, that’s too regional for me to be able to answer it.

    Good luck to you!
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  17. Moody
    December 16th, 2012 at 20:32 | #17

    Well cheap but good brand of clothes go to value world ! You will be surprise what people donate. Some of the clothes people donate their have tags right on it.
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  18. Alpha-S*
    December 16th, 2012 at 21:11 | #18

    Just think of the cute lil babbbyy that u’re going to have, 🙂
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  19. pumagirl
    December 16th, 2012 at 21:35 | #19

    Make your own baby food. For example, buy fresh or frozen carrots, squash etc. Cook them down, throw them in the food processor and them freeze them in ice cube trays. Pop the frozen cubes out and store them in zip locks in the freezer. When its time to eat just pop a few in the microwave. You will be amazed at how much baby food one simple bag of carrots makes.

    This is much healtier andd cheaper than buying baby food.
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  20. Tommy Flynn
    December 16th, 2012 at 22:01 | #20

    Sell some organs or limbs £££
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  21. Olivier Loves Even You!
    December 16th, 2012 at 22:34 | #21

    You should start a book together, calculating all your costs over 1 week or 1 month.

    Count everything you buy, even if its just a 1$ candy bar. After this period it is really easy to see and decide where you can save money.

    Hope I helped 🙂
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