Home > ebay sales techniques > Where could I go to learn how to carve a wooden fish? I want it to look as real as it could be made.?

Where could I go to learn how to carve a wooden fish? I want it to look as real as it could be made.?

January 26th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

I have seen these on eBay and other places for sale and some of them look like real fish. Where do they make these and how can I learn?

There are some videos on Youtube about how to carve a fish. Here’s a couple for example:


Here’s a whole gallery of fish carving tips and techniques:


You could also search locally for a wood carving club to show you how to carve fish. Then you could perhaps pay a small fee to use their tools and also get expert tips in real life.

I hope this helps you get started..

  1. Jeremy
    January 27th, 2013 at 03:01 | #1

    Online. Probaly not a fish exactly but good tips for wood carving
    References :

  2. Susan L
    January 27th, 2013 at 03:29 | #2

    There are some videos on Youtube about how to carve a fish. Here’s a couple for example:



    Here’s a whole gallery of fish carving tips and techniques:


    You could also search locally for a wood carving club to show you how to carve fish. Then you could perhaps pay a small fee to use their tools and also get expert tips in real life.

    I hope this helps you get started..
    References :

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