Where can i buy dirt cheap vinyl records?
Hi, where can i buy dirt cheap vinyl records in britian? I mean like, 20p a record. I dont care whats on them, or if the sticker is on or off, just as long as they are black circle vinyls?
Also, whats the technique where people thread them together?
eBay? Garage/yard sales?
eBay? Garage/yard sales?
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Try charity shops. I am working on a show where vinyl records appear. We found a load being given away for free at one shop as no one wanted them.
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Also check out the relevant categories at http://www.governmentauctionsuk.com/ to find stuff not available on ebay. This website details every auctioneer in the country and what they specialize in. It’s free to look at the auctioneers directory
There are several specialist auctioneers in the UK selling vinyl records – they may or may not be dirt cheap as they are becoming very collectible but this is another good option for you
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Charity shops always have a lot of old records, you could even ask if they have any damaged ones and they might give them to you for free!
Amazon have a dedicated vinyl store http://amzn.to/I79Q9d
but I’m not sure if they’ll have any dirt cheap ones on there.
Hope that helps!
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charity shops and car boot sales there does be a lot of records that are totally worthless such as james last and stuff that no-one wants
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