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How to write a good Craigslist/eBay ad

November 15th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

WhoSaidTylerhttp://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/WhoSaidTylerAutosHow to write a good Craigslist/eBay ad

Duration : 0:16:15

[youtube YcnCQho0M80]

Categories: ebay sales techniques Tags:
  1. milkhouse01ja
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #1

    The last part if …
    The last part if this video is what I went through. It’s sucks cuz I really wanted both of the cars I was asking about but both guys refused to get back to me. One guy got back to me a week later and said he was busy. The other guy said something a month later and said his phone was broken. Well what the you couldn’t use anyone’s computer? It had to be your phone?

  2. ghtowagon
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #2

    on CL you can host …
    on CL you can host the photos with any image hosting site, just use the HTML tags. The pictures will be full size instead of those weak Craigslist allowed uploaded pictures. Keep it simple keep it clear. And don’t write “Good conditionS” 🙂

  3. metvelle
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #3

    animal ads are …
    animal ads are worse than car ads at times.. horse ads in general.. quite is NOT how you spell quiet, Rare is NOT how you spell rear, gilding is NOT Gelding.. stuff like that. I swear a child writes some of these ads

  4. clubcar98
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #4

    If you hiding …
    If you hiding something in the ad you post, your automatically untrustable and buying something from you is going to be best described as a risk.

    Ive actually read people saying things like, “I know a buddy of mine that will swap ya in a new rack n pinion for a pack of cigarettes and a six pack!”.

  5. WhoSaidTyler
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #5

    Goes right along …
    Goes right along with “bumbers”

  6. craig1974
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #6

    Im very detailed …
    Im very detailed also about my postings, and Ebay auctions. My feedback is 100 percent also.

  7. TheCarlover97
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #7

    Do you own the …
    Do you own the regal sitting in your driveway or was someone visiting at the time

  8. RetroVintageItems27
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #8

    Whose car is in …
    Whose car is in your driveway?

  9. x99j
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #9

    another good one is …
    another good one is: add lists new motor or trans but they have no proof (no paper work).

  10. x99j
    November 15th, 2012 at 10:43 | #10

    i like when they …
    i like when they spell rotors “roters”

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