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How do E-commerce sites get their inventory?

Company’s like Flipkart, Infibeam, Inkfruit, Myntra, Fashion retail etc and Small start ups
Do they really stock all the products which they display on their website? or do they use drop shipping technique where products are delivered directly from manufacturer to the end consumer.

Dropshipping is an excellent way to start and get your business of the ground, thats what i am doing on ebay.

When my business gets out of hand (eg, a thousand sales a day) then I will get a warehouse and employees etc also I will get higher discounts from wholesaler since I will be buying larger quantities.

You can not know weather a website has their own warehouse or are dropshipping unless it says it on their website or they tell you.

  1. Asif
    January 3rd, 2013 at 11:35 | #1

    Dropshipping is an excellent way to start and get your business of the ground, thats what i am doing on ebay.

    When my business gets out of hand (eg, a thousand sales a day) then I will get a warehouse and employees etc also I will get higher discounts from wholesaler since I will be buying larger quantities.

    You can not know weather a website has their own warehouse or are dropshipping unless it says it on their website or they tell you.
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  2. Myestate
    January 3rd, 2013 at 12:21 | #2

    agree with asif.
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