Home > ebay sales techniques > how can advertise and promote so I get customers to find my online store?

how can advertise and promote so I get customers to find my online store?

I have just started my own little business selling fashion and costume jewellery :

I would just like some advice on others experience with starting a new business, and any tips for getting more traffic that have worked for you.

So far I have paid for advertising on google adwords and facebook. Entered my URL on various trawlers and online web directories, got all of the social media sites such as twitter, stumbled upon, facebook and pinterest.
I also leaflet drop, attend fairs and shop events, have set up an online blog, promote on asos marketplace and have written to various newspapers and magazines with my press release.

I understand it takes alot of man hours, hard work and determination, but would just value some tips and tricks from people who have been through or are going through the same as me. I spend around 5 hours a day purely on online promotion and advertising.

I really want to make this work, it’s my passion and hobby, i am 22 years old, and I really would love to hear your stories.

All constructive criticism and feedback is welcomed, and thank you in advance
Sophie x

I noticed that most of your products centered around rhinestone jewellry, so you should concentrate your keywords based around those.

Adwords can be tricky to get right from the get go, these days there are so many different features in there that it can be confusing. I would suggest that you stick to product listing ads (and google shopping). AFAIK Google shopping is still free in the UK and you should utilise them. I work with American clients normally so I really don’t have a clue what the UK rules are. Even though I’m from the UK.

I’m not sure what your profit margins are using Adwords on low cost products – I suppose it really depends on your market, what the typical customer buys (5+ items or just one). I would expect that you will need to get at least 15 customers to your website to make one sale. If you’re paying 15p a click that would mean that your margin would need to be at least £2.25 to break even.

There are various techniques you can use on site to increase the amount of money people spend on your site by cross selling and Adwords techniques to hammer your click costs down.

The free delivery over £30 is a nice touch and will help to increase your average basket value up so customers buy more than one item and you have a better margin.

If you need some tips and specific Adwords related advice contact me through http://www.karimium.com

I used to run an eCommerce site before, I found that a lot of sole proprietors run an ebay store as well – even though it’s not the core part of their business, they use ebay as a lead generation funnel. They’ll sell pieces on ebay – because it’s a big market place and then use it to build a list of prospects and when mailing goods out enclose a phamphlet of their website or even a catalogue.

Enclosed a 20% off ebay purchase discount for the online store and funnel sales onto there.

The ebay method acts like a advertising medium that essentially pays for itself.

Also utilize email marketing to retain a list of customers and email them about latest store updates and send fashion tips etc.

  1. Lily B Talus
    March 8th, 2013 at 07:43 | #1

    You are operating in a completely saturated market, there are hundreds of similar businesses opening every week and there just isn’t enough business to go around, especially as we’re in a recession.I’ve had a similar business, loads of people I know have the same, there isn’t a lot of money out there..you could try Facebook, but you’ll only generate a few sales from people who know you and are being nice. I’m sorry, I cant be any more constructive…your stuff strikes me as a bit expensive, but then it’s not what I would buy as I prefer semi precious and gold and silver. I’m thinking that you could try the weddings market as this is one area when individuals spend, but I’m sure you’ve already thought of this.
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  2. Jake
    March 8th, 2013 at 08:23 | #2

    It’s good to see you accept the idea that it takes money to make money, I’m afraid you are in a highly competitive field, which makes getting search result ranking difficult and increases bid based advertising costs, like in Adwords. Consider running a Facebook sweepstake (giveaway) you may still need paid ads to get people to sign up, but the high CTR such an offer can get you might get CTS costs below a 10 cents.

    I have heard interviews of some with successful sites as simple as selling bows, that are run by people who have had coaching, though most of those mane money courses offered are borderline scams, some need that accountability a coaching course provides. One that provides sort of university level educations from familiar names in the industry is Stompernet.com originally costing some $800 a month, it’s now like $197 a month, this gets you access to a considerable library of recorded seminars/webinars and probably some caching, some of their material is getting dated but it might be worth absorbing what you can in a month to help you get that competitive edge. Try entering some of your jewelry keywords into spyfu.com to see who is using then and how much they are paying.

    Customer retention is a big issue, if you looked at advertising as customer acquisition rather than just securing a single sale you could better justify the advertising cost, the big players often break even on the first sale or 2, knowing they will profit in the long run, the woman selling bows maintained a mailing lists of customers and interested parties, where she maintained a relationship with useful articles as well as using it to announce new products, it is way easier to sell to a repeat customer. Likewise having a business Facebook page where you interact with customers and get those who like you page to effective help publicize you with posts that can reprint on their pages. You could also interject more personality into your own site to help build relationships and customer loyalty.
    Pinterest.com by the way is probably a good place to reach you demographic.

    Also learning the specifics of optimizing a paid campaign makes all the difference between making or losing money, those top search results may be paying far less than the #5 result by having a higher Adwords quality score. you certainly want to use some training material for that, don’t assume your initial site design gives optimal conversion, Google webmaster tools include a split testing facility allowing one to compare the results for 2 slight variations in design.
    One overpriced seminar/video training course: 43 SPLIT TESTS by internet marketing / educator Ryan Deiss reports on the effect of a specific series of A-B tests, some of his figures (if you can believe them) are given on the sales page, I recall that redish-orange buy buttons do best (not green for go): http://www.43splittests.com/

    There are tons of free press release sites that you should also employ, though for them to reach mainstream media you would probably have to pay someone like prweb.com $89 to spread the word. You would probably have to have some human interest twist to get a press release actually get any play, "Hope pendants inspire inner city youths…"

    You site load time is too slow, that is losing you prospects and hurting your search ranking. One site study reported in a seminar that a 5 second load time causes a 20% bounce rate (people who immediately exit) reducing the load time to 1/2 second lowered bounce rates to 5%, when Google sees people immediately come back after having clicked one of your ads, that unsatisfied visit hurts your quality score. Clear your browser cache to get a more accurate feel for a first time visitor load time.
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  3. Mosabbir Hossain
    March 8th, 2013 at 08:44 | #3

    Try the methods Below:

    #1: Send Targeted Traffic to your website. If your bounce rates are low, Google will recognize your website as valuable and informative and rank your website.
    #2. Create Cheap Display network ads on Google Adwords to get cheap targeted traffic. Like $1/100 traffic.
    #3. Create a Facebook fan page, Twitter, Linkedin Profiles and get tons of likes, followers and visitors from social media sites, that is a good sign that Google will value your website.
    #4. Create Relevant High PR links to your website.
    #5. Use 25% links to targeted keyword and rest use a variety of keywords when creating links.

    Your ranking will boost dramatically within a reasonable time and make your online business profitable.
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  4. Vanessa
    March 8th, 2013 at 09:31 | #4

    Offer Affiliate Marketing for your store. Affiliate marketing is best for your. You have to pay when you’ll get the customer.
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  5. Chris
    March 8th, 2013 at 10:00 | #5

    some obvious places to go are
    – eBay and other auction places
    – try local marketing [local ppc] and local cheap delivery of possible for you
    – but probably MOST important are –
    – BUILD LIST of customers and subscribers that you can email to
    – and invest in SEO – those two should be most beneficial for you in a long run.
    References :

  6. Войдевич
    March 8th, 2013 at 10:16 | #6

    • Yahoo (http://www.yahoo.com).
    • Open Directory (http://dmoz.org).
    • About.com/Sprinks (http://www.about.com)
    • AOL (портал, http://search.aol.com).
    • Webslibrary (http://www.webslibrary.com).
    • MSN Search (http://search.msn.com).
    References :

  7. Abdyla
    March 8th, 2013 at 11:00 | #7
  8. Michael R
    March 8th, 2013 at 11:08 | #8

    You have to spend some time and educate yourself on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It’s allot of work but it will be well worth it in the end.

    In the mean time:

    1. Start building links to your website.
    2. Make sure each page have the relevant Title, description and page content.
    3. Submit your website URL to relevant directories.
    4. Open a twitter account for your website

    I could go on and on, don’t wait. start building links now.
    References :

  9. Steve
    March 8th, 2013 at 11:51 | #9

    Me too have faced same concern when I started my tourism business website. I felt totally broken with the response to my website and business. I tried so many things at my level but all in vain . One day my friend asked me have you heard about the SEO professionals. I replied that I am not sure to whom I may contact then he suggested me to try http://www.cloudbasemedia.com.au/ and http://www.webimax.com/ as he had an experience of working with these companies. I have tried and trust me last year I got a good revenue from my website.
    References :

  10. Abdul Karim
    March 8th, 2013 at 12:09 | #10

    I noticed that most of your products centered around rhinestone jewellry, so you should concentrate your keywords based around those.

    Adwords can be tricky to get right from the get go, these days there are so many different features in there that it can be confusing. I would suggest that you stick to product listing ads (and google shopping). AFAIK Google shopping is still free in the UK and you should utilise them. I work with American clients normally so I really don’t have a clue what the UK rules are. Even though I’m from the UK.

    I’m not sure what your profit margins are using Adwords on low cost products – I suppose it really depends on your market, what the typical customer buys (5+ items or just one). I would expect that you will need to get at least 15 customers to your website to make one sale. If you’re paying 15p a click that would mean that your margin would need to be at least £2.25 to break even.

    There are various techniques you can use on site to increase the amount of money people spend on your site by cross selling and Adwords techniques to hammer your click costs down.

    The free delivery over £30 is a nice touch and will help to increase your average basket value up so customers buy more than one item and you have a better margin.

    If you need some tips and specific Adwords related advice contact me through http://www.karimium.com

    I used to run an eCommerce site before, I found that a lot of sole proprietors run an ebay store as well – even though it’s not the core part of their business, they use ebay as a lead generation funnel. They’ll sell pieces on ebay – because it’s a big market place and then use it to build a list of prospects and when mailing goods out enclose a phamphlet of their website or even a catalogue.

    Enclosed a 20% off ebay purchase discount for the online store and funnel sales onto there.

    The ebay method acts like a advertising medium that essentially pays for itself.

    Also utilize email marketing to retain a list of customers and email them about latest store updates and send fashion tips etc.
    References :

  11. Mihaela
    March 8th, 2013 at 12:49 | #11

    Your site is really well done, but you have to distribute it and promote it. It’s nice to have accounts on Facebook and Tviter, where to keep the interest of people, possibly doing promotions, offer lotteries, etc. To do this, you can have enough followers and that you easily can be obtained with the help of professional firms, such as Boostsocialmedia.
    References :

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