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Great Biology book that teaches techniques?

February 17th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’d like a book similar to the lab companion book of Brock Biology of Microorganisms but for Molecular Biology or even Immunology.

I want a book that has lots of details for each steps, maybe even pictures that show each step. Please help me find a great book. Thanks.

Your question just made me dig up a Biology book I bought at a yard sale not long ago. It is called Biology, Fifth Edition, Campbell Reece and Mitchell. From what I can tell, it looks very good. I would guess what it is an AP Bio book. You could probably pick one up on ebay.

  1. *tysci
    February 18th, 2013 at 03:27 | #1

    Your question just made me dig up a Biology book I bought at a yard sale not long ago. It is called Biology, Fifth Edition, Campbell Reece and Mitchell. From what I can tell, it looks very good. I would guess what it is an AP Bio book. You could probably pick one up on ebay.
    References :
    Current bio student in high school.

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