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Does any one know statistics on having your own Ebay Stores?

November 10th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I am looking to see if some one can tell me how much money the average person who owns a eBay store makes.

Looking for statistics, or your own experience.

That is a very hard question to answer since it varies greatly on what a person sells, the number of items, etc. Also, most people will not tell you how much profit they make, so statistics are hard to come by.

If you are just wanting to know a store’s gross sales for a month, you can easily find that information for a specific store. Just grab their eBay User ID (not store name) and go to http://www.sellerdome.com. From there, do a search on their eBay ID. You will see a box in the middle of the screen that shows their monthly sales information.

My personal experience (without giving specifics) is that I make enough profit to provide for a family of 6.


  1. AuctionArena.com
    November 10th, 2012 at 09:07 | #1

    That is a very hard question to answer since it varies greatly on what a person sells, the number of items, etc. Also, most people will not tell you how much profit they make, so statistics are hard to come by.

    If you are just wanting to know a store’s gross sales for a month, you can easily find that information for a specific store. Just grab their eBay User ID (not store name) and go to http://www.sellerdome.com. From there, do a search on their eBay ID. You will see a box in the middle of the screen that shows their monthly sales information.

    My personal experience (without giving specifics) is that I make enough profit to provide for a family of 6.

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  2. Andy Geldman
    November 10th, 2012 at 09:34 | #2

    Hi Lilly,

    SellerDome is a great resource but it tells you nothing about profit, only sales.

    It’s not difficult to sell on eBay, or even to sell a lot. What is difficult is to do that professionally, covering all your direct costs and overheads and still make a profit at the end of the day. As you will see on SellerDome, some of the largest eBay sellers have gone bust because they were good at selling, but no so good at making a profit.
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