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Yo Glendon My Sales Suck Man Why Is It So Slow?

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Glendon Cameron’s Book
Making Money A-Z with Self Storage Units 2011
Pimping Craigslist For Fun and Profit
The Ultimate Garage Sale
The New Storage Auction Buyer’s Handbook

Glendon Cameron’s Books On Kindle

Storage Auctions 101
Pimping Craigslist For Fun and Profit
The Ultimate Garage Sale
The New Storage Auction Buyers Handbook

Coming Soon
The Is Always In The DVD Player
How To Find Gold and Other Valuables At Garage Sales, Estate Sales, Flea Markets And Craigslist
Picking Seven Days A Week
The Hustler’s MindSet

Duration : 0:7:5

[youtube AGrTb4zby2o]

  1. henjabi putanamsi
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #1

    Get it CHEAP, and …
    Get it CHEAP, and sell QUANTITY in the summer to survive. Then the rest of the year you can wait for your asking price.

  2. dollarmoves
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #2

    Great video! I …
    Great video! I agree…right now is a great time to prepare for the Holiday season!

  3. Dylan A. Kent
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #3

    “It’s the Summer”. …
    “It’s the Summer”. True, true, true. To every business except the summer vacation business. This is the time you plan, revamp, reorganize, restock – take a little space to breathe and THINK. Step back and look at your business(es) from different perspectives, think about new businesses. Plenty to do.

  4. PlayNicelyGuys
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #4

    Thanks for the tip …
    Thanks for the tip. You’ve mentioned in one of your previous videos to stock up on inventory during the Summer regardless of slow sales. I’m doing that and hope to ride the wave when sales picks up. There are items that always sells regardless of time, day, for everything else have to rely on seasonal change.

  5. Nanpa0
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #5

    Another example is, …
    Another example is, I bought lots of Olympic poster in the past 3, 4 year, I paid on average 5 Cents for each poster, well now they are selling really good, some for up to $10 each, talk about return on investment.

  6. Nanpa0
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #6

    The heater factor. …
    The heater factor. good one, it is important to be aware of Seasonal demand of things. Today is the second day of the lobster mini season here in miami, yesterday I went to several stores and none had any lobster fishing gear, I had to drive 30 minutes to BassPro Shop to look for what I needed and not because they ran out. How crazy management oversees something so simple that can make good money. And there are dozens of other similar situations where stores could profit through out the year.

  7. Goobian
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #7

    When I was in the …
    When I was in the phone sex business it was slow during the summer as well. I quit in July of that year because I had a check of 150 dollars. I don’t need that much income right now because I am just paying the bills my best friend cannot afford. But I know next summer I need more income because I plan on going on health insurance and things like that. So I plan on saving up extra money during the holidays for the slow summer time. I am looking forward to the busy season bring it on lol.

  8. rdwafer75
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #8

    Being a Pimp …
    Being a Pimp myself I have found your books most helpful in Getting my Hoe to John ratio up and its been driving my profits thru the roof! haha Hope you laughed Glendon! Have a great day!

  9. snipeadeal
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #9

    I feel better now. …
    I feel better now. 🙂

  10. StorageUnitAuctions
    July 29th, 2012 at 20:44 | #10

    Yo Glendon – thanks …
    Yo Glendon – thanks for the shout out at the begining of this video!! LOL!

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