Home > ebay sales slow > Why does ebay make me list my items for 3 days or 5 days and not allow one day listing sometimes?

Why does ebay make me list my items for 3 days or 5 days and not allow one day listing sometimes?

December 10th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’ve tried many things like taking out buy now, or not listing the name brand. I have tried a lesser bid price. I have tried everything just about except for trying a different category because I like to list accurately. Is it that certain categories you have to list for 3 or five or 7 days? Or is it the way I choose my listing items? I need some help. I appreciate any that I can get. 🙂

Certain items don’t qualify for 1 day auctions ( high priced electronics) as an example. Besides, 1 day auctions will be missed by many people. 7 day sales can be slow & i don’t see the advantage to a short listing.

  1. krn001
    December 10th, 2012 at 08:02 | #1

    Certain items don’t qualify for 1 day auctions ( high priced electronics) as an example. Besides, 1 day auctions will be missed by many people. 7 day sales can be slow & i don’t see the advantage to a short listing.
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