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Where to buy a cheap snowboard & good place to practice?

December 6th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I want to learn to snowboard, but start out slow and around home. Any suggestions on a cheap, basic board and where to practice besides forking over money at a ski resort? I’m from south Chicago, IL. suburbs.

try craigs list or ebay for deals this time of the year, tent sales and websites during the off season months( spring and summer )

If you don’t want to go to a ski area and take lessons, wait for snow(6"+) and find a hill in your area. Find a friend who knows what they are doing to help you out.

  1. Walt B
    December 6th, 2012 at 07:54 | #1

    try craigs list or ebay for deals this time of the year, tent sales and websites during the off season months( spring and summer )

    If you don’t want to go to a ski area and take lessons, wait for snow(6"+) and find a hill in your area. Find a friend who knows what they are doing to help you out.
    References :

  2. Sarah
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