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what can I sell on ebay that would actually make money?

November 6th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I am in college, and my job has become very slow. So I am looking for ways to supplement my lost income. I know a lot of people use E-bay. My cousin goes to junkyards and buys parts and lists them, but I am not mechanically inclined so that is out of the question. What are ways a rookie like me could earn a few hundred bucks a week through E-bay?

Basically anything.
My friend buys clothes and womens products from this website ( It sales everything ) The suppliers are from china & elsewhere i believe.
She buys cheap & sales high. & She makes a good income. I wish i could tell you the website. But do some research. Good luck.

  1. Felix Brian
    November 6th, 2012 at 08:51 | #1

    I think selling womens clothes would be a good idea, but clothes that are popular that have sold out. Idk how you would do that though lol..
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  2. Paul E
    November 6th, 2012 at 09:23 | #2

    simply anything that you can acquire for less then you can expect ebay bidders to buy it for.

    Best also to find something that canbe in high demand.
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  3. foosh
    November 6th, 2012 at 09:54 | #3

    Be a fence. The guys procuring your merchandise will pay pennies on the dollar to not have to deal with it. The rest is profit, good sir. (aside form what paypal and ebay fees take)
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  4. Britney
    November 6th, 2012 at 10:23 | #4

    Basically anything.
    My friend buys clothes and womens products from this website ( It sales everything ) The suppliers are from china & elsewhere i believe.
    She buys cheap & sales high. & She makes a good income. I wish i could tell you the website. But do some research. Good luck.
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