Is this Register Optimizer worth buying?
I found my computer very slow these days, and my friends told us it must caused by registry error, and let me to get a Registry Optimizer, So, I search it, and finally found a software named iTopsoft Register Optimizer sales at $1.95 at ebay,, does anybody here know what about this software? I want to buy it, but not sure now.
windows registry cleaners are free.
use this.
ccleaner :
Advanced SystemCare Free :
both are safe and easy to use.
Please do not fall for that. Listen the BEST 2 registry cleaners out right now are FREE. CCleaner and NT Registry Optimize. Both can be obtained from my site at in the tools section.
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windows registry cleaners are free.
use this.
ccleaner :
Advanced SystemCare Free :
both are safe and easy to use.
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Hey dude i guess u don’t need to buy any kind of registry software…All u need to go this website and just install Ccleaner and Fix your registry files…..Install it in your PC and enjoy it….It is really great…!!!
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Use that
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There are two types of cleaner you can get: a free registry cleaner or a professional (paid) registry cleaner.
The most popular free cleaner is one called "CCleaner" which you can get from
There are many kinds of professional registry cleaner if you google. And i prefer Registry Victor to any other.
It can do a complete scan of the pc errors such as system slowdown, freezing, crashing and deadlock. Safely optimize the speed of system and set your PC in a fantastic performance!
You can Free download and see detail here:
I hope this may help you.
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I use Reginout
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