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How is Ebay doing business wise in 2009?

November 16th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I was wondering how ebay is doing now that the economy has gone back to 1929?

How are the sales? Have a lot of sellers dropped out?
I agree, they got very annoying after their business picked up. Too many laws with not enough employees to help people out. I stopped selling a few years back. No matter what happens ebay makes their money even if your item does not sell.

Their business has slowed down big time because people are not buying as much as before. And their sellers are very unhappy because ebay took away their right to give ratings to good or bad costumers which was the seller’s only way of protecting themselves against bad buyers.

Ebay will lose many of their top sellers this year because of the bad economy and this stupid new rule about buyers being able to rate sellers but sellers having no rights to defend themselves.

  1. me and you 3
    November 16th, 2012 at 06:23 | #1

    People would not know or have first hand data from eBay. But many people have made indications that they are either finding ebay annoying, boring or too expensive to list items on.
    Nonetheless people come and go to sell stuff on others have found other auctions / classifieds to even list for free on. When Ebay first started out you may have noticed them using tv to advertise on, when they got popular they stopped. now theyre back this time using billbords, buses which does show that bsuiness for them MIGHT not be going well. You do the math 🙂
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  2. AKASI 3000
    November 16th, 2012 at 06:38 | #2

    Their business has slowed down big time because people are not buying as much as before. And their sellers are very unhappy because ebay took away their right to give ratings to good or bad costumers which was the seller’s only way of protecting themselves against bad buyers.

    Ebay will lose many of their top sellers this year because of the bad economy and this stupid new rule about buyers being able to rate sellers but sellers having no rights to defend themselves.
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