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How can I sell more from my web site?

November 30th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’ve had this site for a while now. I’ve been selling my stuff to family and friends and sometimes word of mouth. Now everything is going really slow. I need the money to pay bills. I want to quit because there are no more sales. Someone please help me. I want my business to be more advertising. How can I do that?

Hi there,

You could try to increase the traffic to your website through Blogging about your particular niche along with article writing. You also may need to work on Search Engine Optimization or look at paid advertising on yahoo………. it works very well.

You could also try offering a bonus (product, e book or report or something) to customers who refer friends to your site.

you could also try selling your same products on eBay to increase your product sales and if you get well known on there and put your website in your about me page this will also increase your traffic to your main site.

At my business we started on ebay and did really well and we are currently building up the traffic and popularity of the website.

You may also want to try some Public Relations/Publicity Stunts to increase your Profile in the local community. It’s normally pretty easy to get publicity in the paper’s by donating to a worthy cause, or if you don’t have the money to donate why don’t you organize some other type of charity event to raise money this way it only takes you time to organize……..

Hopefully every time you sell a product you are getting the customers to opt into your emailing list, this way you can keep them up to date with new information about yourself or send them out special offers….. This works very well because you know they are interested in your products and they have bought of you before.

I hope this helps you out and if you want to email me your website i’d be interested in taking a look.

Cheers, ToNy!

P.S. if you are spending a bit of time online it may also be worth looking at building up a couple of other MSI’s (Multiple Sources of Income) for example affiliate sites, advertising on your site for other company’s and "Paid to Surf" sites like www.agloco.com.au

    November 30th, 2012 at 05:38 | #1

    Advertise in related and high traffic web-sites, make ur site attractive with more links and information on it.
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  2. Mistress
    November 30th, 2012 at 05:57 | #2

    You have to advertise. Yes it costs money, but if you do it right and it drives in the business, the advertisements will pay for themselves. Take out an ad in your local paper. A lot of communities have a free weekly paper that are usually cheaper to advertise in. Print out business cards or flyers and post them up on every available public posting area you can find (i.e. bulletin boards in convenience stores, colleges, parks, drink machines, wherever!).
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  3. success.trail
    November 30th, 2012 at 06:39 | #3

    Hi there,

    You could try to increase the traffic to your website through Blogging about your particular niche along with article writing. You also may need to work on Search Engine Optimization or look at paid advertising on yahoo………. it works very well.

    You could also try offering a bonus (product, e book or report or something) to customers who refer friends to your site.

    you could also try selling your same products on eBay to increase your product sales and if you get well known on there and put your website in your about me page this will also increase your traffic to your main site.

    At my business we started on ebay and did really well and we are currently building up the traffic and popularity of the website.

    You may also want to try some Public Relations/Publicity Stunts to increase your Profile in the local community. It’s normally pretty easy to get publicity in the paper’s by donating to a worthy cause, or if you don’t have the money to donate why don’t you organize some other type of charity event to raise money this way it only takes you time to organize……..

    Hopefully every time you sell a product you are getting the customers to opt into your emailing list, this way you can keep them up to date with new information about yourself or send them out special offers….. This works very well because you know they are interested in your products and they have bought of you before.

    I hope this helps you out and if you want to email me your website i’d be interested in taking a look.

    Cheers, ToNy!

    P.S. if you are spending a bit of time online it may also be worth looking at building up a couple of other MSI’s (Multiple Sources of Income) for example affiliate sites, advertising on your site for other company’s and "Paid to Surf" sites like http://www.agloco.com.au
    References :

  4. answer
    November 30th, 2012 at 07:05 | #4

    Small Business Marketing Strategy: Target the up-and-coming search engines

    While Google still rules the roost when it comes to Internet search engines, and Yahoo is firmly entrenched in second spot, a number of new start-ups are hoping to give them a run for their money. And a good small business marketing strategy would be to check them out and see how you can make them work for your site!

    Some of the new up-and-comers include:

    Powerset (www.powerset.com): A "natural language" search engine

    Hakia (www.hakia.com): A "meaning-based" search engine

    Wikia(www.wikia.com): A "community-based" search engine

    ChaCha(www.chacha.com): A "social networking-based" search engine

    Snap (www.snap.com): A search engine that offers visual previews

    It’s a smart small business marketing strategy to continue optimizing for the Google, Yahoo, and MSN search engines as they are by far and away the most popular — but niche search engines could provide new opportunities to reach your market. Be sure to check them out!
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  5. thomy8s
    November 30th, 2012 at 07:54 | #5

    You need to promote-
    These people may be able to hekp you with this-
    References :

  6. Rohan Kapadia
    November 30th, 2012 at 08:43 | #6

    If u would have mentioned ur business it would have been easier. Anyways dont worry think of creative schemes and offers and to advertise i think u should log on to ‘Orkut,facebook etc’ and advertise there its easy and quick.
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  7. rog@home
    November 30th, 2012 at 09:05 | #7

    All websites need traffic. Are you involved with Google Adwords?
    How many search engines are you involved with? No online business can survive without using some method of bringing potential customers to their site. It is a % thing. You need to know what % of people visiting your site actually purchase something. You can also use Blogs to direct people to your site. Hope this helps.
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