Home > ebay sales slow > Anybody knows how to make use of MySpace to promote my eBay Store at http://stores.ebay.com/MyWellnessStore ?

Anybody knows how to make use of MySpace to promote my eBay Store at http://stores.ebay.com/MyWellnessStore ?

I have heard some eBayers saying that they are using MY SPACE to promote their store and seems to be very effective and get lots of sales.

I just started my shop and traffic is slow, I hope any one with experience in using MySpace to increase traffic can give me some tips.

However, since my business is really new and I still trying to make ends meet due to very high eBay fees, I do not have money to pay for any ebook guide.

I sell ebay I also belong to alot of groups yahoo that you can advertise on email me for a list. Also check out this site:

I just joined posh points and got 15 free points just for joining!
You can even list your ebay items on there for free! Hey more free advertising for your items!

All you do is post one thing for sale on posh points ands link your ebay auctions! Vola’ Free advertising!



I also post on my personal myspace as well.

  1. Greg
    June 20th, 2012 at 07:51 | #1

    Myspace classifieds. list your items there.
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  2. Chloe
    June 20th, 2012 at 08:33 | #2

    Just start up a page and put your company’s information on it. I have my own personal page and have sold a ton of copies of an e-book i wrote through it, just putting it on there on a whim.
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  3. cgian66
    June 20th, 2012 at 09:15 | #3

    I sell ebay I also belong to alot of groups yahoo that you can advertise on email me for a list. Also check out this site:

    I just joined posh points and got 15 free points just for joining!
    You can even list your ebay items on there for free! Hey more free advertising for your items!

    All you do is post one thing for sale on posh points ands link your ebay auctions! Vola’ Free advertising!



    I also post on my personal myspace as well.
    References :

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