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what place pays out the most web hosting commission per sale for a reseller hosting account?

January 28th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

I am selling websites on ebay, I think its better for me to get a good affiliate commission for recommending people join a webhost of my picking. Who can I pick that have a good pay out like something around over 80$ per person enlisted or more

IX Webhosting has the best payout plan. Hands down.

Making Money Online The Easy Way

  1. livetomakemoney
    January 28th, 2013 at 23:57 | #1

    IX Webhosting has the best payout plan. Hands down.

    Making Money Online The Easy Way
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  2. Calvin S
    January 29th, 2013 at 00:29 | #2

    Host Rocket is excellent: http://www.hostrocket.com/affiliates.html

    My website and inspiration: http://www.royaltyfreeinstrumentals.com/
    References :

  3. Jason
    January 29th, 2013 at 00:36 | #3

    HostGator Reseller Plan.
    References :
    $28 Off on Web Hosting:

    HostGator 20% Off Discount:
    (Coupon Code: "LUCKY")

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