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What is required to become a seller on ebay?

December 10th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

I have stuff I want to sell on ebay. I need to know everything that is required to become a seller on ebay. Thanks.

It’s very easy to become a seller on eBay. First, you’d need to have an eBay account by registering on eBay. After that, you’d need to provide your credit card information on file for verification. To do that, please click on "Site Map" at the top of eBay page then please scroll down the page until you see a link that says "Place or Update Credit Card on File" under "My Selling Account."

That’s it. Good luck to your future sales!

  1. Yongning Z
  2. Dougie90
    December 10th, 2012 at 08:45 | #2

    basically you need to be 18 and able to use the internet i think – there are not really any other constraints i dont think

    i also have a guide to ebay on my blog – http://mystudentblog.co.uk/ebay-guide/

    have a look – ebay is brilliant once you get going!
    References :

  3. journeyoferos
    December 10th, 2012 at 09:08 | #3

    It’s very easy to become a seller on eBay. First, you’d need to have an eBay account by registering on eBay. After that, you’d need to provide your credit card information on file for verification. To do that, please click on "Site Map" at the top of eBay page then please scroll down the page until you see a link that says "Place or Update Credit Card on File" under "My Selling Account."

    That’s it. Good luck to your future sales!
    References :

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