Terapeak Review 2013 – How To Sell On eBay. eBay Market Research
To read full textual review of Terapeak and get more free in depth video tutorials on how to sell on eBay, research and find hot selling products please visit the link above.
Terapeak is an eBay research tool, and if this doesn’t tell you much, it is a tool that help you sell products more profitable, easily discover top selling products, uncover your competitors bestselling strategies, determine how much an item is worth and how well it will sell. Let’s take a closer look at each of the strategies and see how to use Terapeak to maximize you profits.
How to find top selling products using Terapeak
Category Research
There are several ways to find top selling products using Terapek. If you have general idea of what products you want to sell or have access to; let’s say you have found a supplier with great prices on home improvement equipment and furniture and want to know should you sell “CD & Video Racks” or “Heating & Cooling Equipment”, one of the ways is to check Terapeak “Category Research” and see how well your category is doing in terms of sales.
From “Category Research” I can see that “Heating, Cooling & Air” have relatively high volume of sales and “CD & Video Racks” is category with relatively low volume of sales. If I drill down further and take a look at category trend over the last 90 days I can see that “CD & Video Racks” category is doing on average around $15K a week in sales and “Heating, Cooling & Air” is doing on average about $2M dollars a week in sales. Now that I know that there are more buyers shopping in “Heating, Cooling & Air” category, I can drill down to exact brands and models that are selling the best in this category by switching to “best selling titles” tab.
“Hot Research”
Another option to uncover top selling products is by using “Hot Research”. If you don’t have particular category for selling in mind and you don’t feel like researching different brands and models, you can get ideas for profitable products to sell from Terapeak “Hot Research” module.
Hot Categories
“Hot Categories” is a good way to identify categories which have recently experienced a significant rise in demand, which means that people are actively spending money there right now. By browsing through “Hot Categories” list it is easy to discover highly profitable niches with very little competition. As you can see “Programmable Thermostats” is listed as “very hot” category with high success rate which means that majority of listings in this category are successful. If we go look at the sales trend for this category, we can see that weekly sales are about 60K during winter season and by researching top sellers we can see that there are about 30 sellers that are selling on a regular basis right now. By finding categories with relatively high volume of sales and low number of sellers you’re uncovering potential lucrative niches where you can claim good piece of a pie with the right selling strategy. This translates into money making opportunity when our research shows us that demand is high while supply is low.
Hot Products
“Hot products” tab lists groups of similar listings which have been selling at a high success rate recently; it is another way to discover hot selling products but when looking at hot products list I would suggest narrow you search down to a category, because if you search across all categories, products that are listed at the top are hard to find at wholesale price as you can see items listed at the top are mostly consumer electronics and computers. But, if you drill down to less competitive category, it is much easier to find dropshiper or wholesaler that will be glad to supply you with products to sell.
Hot Titles
“Hot Titles” tab lists the products that have been sold most successfully on the eBay marketplace within selected period. Again, it makes sense to drill down to a less competitive category because it is easier to find wholesale suppliers for those products.
Top Sellers
It is much easier and lucrative to follow lead of success then to invent failure. Terapeak makes it easy to research and reverse-engineer sales strategy of the most successful sellers in any niche or category. By researching top sellers in your category you could easily discover most profitable products to sell or find ideas for new products to sell that you haven’t thought of before. Now, instead of blindly buying a truckload of random stuff, you know exactly which products are going to bring you a profit.
To read full textual review of Terapeak and get more free in depth video tutorials on eBay research and finding hot selling products please visit the link above.
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