Home > ebay sales down > Is there a website where cafes closing down can sell their equipment in the UK ?

Is there a website where cafes closing down can sell their equipment in the UK ?

November 8th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

Hi I am opening a sandwich & coffee bar & am looking for equipment that may be second hand.
Other than ebay is there a site where businesses who are closing down may advertise their stuff for sale?
Other than that if anyone knows of any good places to get catering equipment at cut prices then i welcome your info.
Many thanks for your help.

Price Minister
Craigs List

  1. Micheal
    November 8th, 2012 at 07:01 | #1


    Only real options.
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  2. Matthew
    November 8th, 2012 at 07:41 | #2

    ebay. but it is worth searching for youre .local auctions. because many cafes have been shutting down recently around here. there retail outlets iwll be auctioned. you may find they will auction the equiptment separatly.
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  3. DREW D
    November 8th, 2012 at 07:58 | #3

    you can buy a ads paper that just sells commercial stuf, sadly i have forgotton the name of it
    but it is out there
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  4. Kernow Lady
    November 8th, 2012 at 08:31 | #4

    Buy a copy of Daltons Weekly, I believe it comes out Thursdays. They have a huge amount of business’s for sale and ads and auctions for equipment.
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  5. Richard H
    November 8th, 2012 at 09:02 | #5

    It really does depend what you are after – some products like crockery or pans you can see immediately what state they are in (clean, usable, broken etc). But electrical or gas powered equipment may be faulty (or dangerous) without you knowing, or be worn out, so would be a false economy.
    Anyone looking to start a cateringbusiness should have a look around Nisbets straight away – http://www.nisbets.co.uk – they are THE main UK site for catering equipment, and have a clearance bargains section on their site as well for dropped lines. They also have a clearance store on Ebay, and a separate clearance site at http://www.nisbetsclearance.co.uk which carries unwanted returns, products with damaged packaging and end-of-line bargains. But look at the main Nisbets site first, and get an idea of what the products will cost you new before you buy something that turns out not to be the bargain you first thought…
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  6. Booster
    November 8th, 2012 at 09:23 | #6

    Price Minister
    Craigs List
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