Home > ebay sales decline > Theme 8: Tomorrow’s World – Zeitgeist Europe 2010

Theme 8: Tomorrow’s World – Zeitgeist Europe 2010

When it comes to technology, ‘look and feel’ matters – advanced functionality is worthless if too complex to master; sleek design is pointless if it isn’t also enjoyable to use. As our devices get more complex, the way we use them needs to become more intuitive. In this session we will hear from those at the forefront of ushering in the next generation of technologies which promise to transform the way we interact with the world.

Professor Andreas Dengel (Scientific Director, German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence)
JP Rangaswami (Chief Scientist, BT Group)
Maarten Lens-FitzGerald (Co-Founder, Layar)
Kai Huang (Co-Founder, Guitar Hero)

Moderated by Evan Davis (Presenter, BBC Radio 4 Today Programme)

***Please note that all the videos feature YouTube’s new Captioning feature. To turn this off or on, simply click the ‘cc’ button in the bottom right corner of the player. As this is a brand new technology, there may be a few syncing slips – please bear with us as we work to perfect***

Duration : 1:14:52

[youtube 2nsL7DTw6_E]

  1. BritishLevel
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #1

    Hey guys! Me and …
    Hey guys! Me and my friend have been making lots of funny and dare like videos! Please come and check them out and let us know what you think?!
    Any dares or ideas we love to hear them!
    I promise you a great laugh!!
    Thanks 🙂 x

  2. AceObrin
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #2

    @NakedCreep …
    @NakedCreep Advertisement is probably the least useful application of the technology. Informational awareness, including current data and past history, is a much more exciting and potentially useful one. I.e., info awareness is an application that can contribute to the quality of everyday life, which as far as I’ve been able to tell, is something that advertisements have never done.

  3. advers1078
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #3

    “Where are the …
    “Where are the women?”
    In my kitchen making dinner, I’m starving.

  4. youneekk
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #4

    Harold Camping was …
    Harold Camping was RIGHT about May 21, click on my channel to see…

  5. Silentsam7532
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #5

    Japan is a bad …
    Japan is a bad situation, but we can learn from it. Of course the only place having problems is an old plant that was going to be decommisioned in a year or so.
    Much of what the news has been saying is hyperbole to get ratings. Wait until its fixed, which it almost is, and you will see that even these huge events end up not doing as much damage as other forms of energy have.

    Nuclear energy is still clean and safe. Modern plants cooling systems don’t require power.

  6. hydzior
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #6

    looking on japan …
    looking on japan now … hmmmm … ;]

  7. madawimadara
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #7

    Easy way to meet …
    Easy way to meet enchating girls naneedj.info

  8. dold1tflkin
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #8

    technocrat bullshit …
    technocrat bullshit – making people miserable

  9. harshanilohitha
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #9

    Thousands of …
    Thousands of profiles for girl naneedj.info

  10. Silentsam7532
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #10

    There is no such …
    There is no such thing as free energy. Cheap energ exists, and nuclear is the best source of energy. it is the cleanest and the most abundent energy source we have.

  11. Lynleyland
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #11

    Three women on …
    Three women on eight panels and one of them was an activist not a scientist, inventor nor an entrepreneur. Where are the women? Surely there are more than two competent women in the whole of Europe. It is disappointing that for women, it looks like the new world won’t give us any more power and inclusion than in the old one. What a shame. Maybe I’ll just go back to playing in a rock band (with a REAL guitar!), gardening and reading books. Once real reality is sorted we can augment.

  12. outled
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:40 | #12

    more layars of …
    more layars of control, more layars of bondage, more layars of bullshit zeitgeist, more layars of restriction, more layars of unreality, more layars of lies.

  13. kalaninadira
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #13

    Thousands of …
    Thousands of profiles for girl naneedj.info

  14. baccaratbargaineq
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #14

    Free energy …
    Free energy technology exists!But the big oil corporations don’t want that technology revealed,Find a motor that needs no fuel or input at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM ,Join the revolution!

  15. carolinagsings77
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #15



  16. stevenk113
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #16

    he sounds like Dr. …
    he sounds like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers in his “layar” hahahaha

  17. breedofthe45
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #17

    bla,bala …
    bla,bala jhfhfvhbigvbhi4ghujrbjvcbjvi4jffivfd irghvnik5ngfjfdmnv  nvjubrhigufvghvirkgv

  18. weavehole
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #18


    Not a problem …

    Not a problem, thanks for coming back to me.


  19. NiclasTimle89
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #19

    ops, now I feel …
    ops, now I feel preaddy bad :P. No it’s not my first language. Sry about the last comment..

  20. weavehole
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #20


    …. …

    ….geezer, when i wrote “you’d” in the previous post I didn’t mean YOU in particular. I meant everyone. It was a supposed to come across as a pseudo-self-deprecatory line.

    I guess it didn’t.

    I’m guessing (British) English isn’t your first language so no worries fella.

    fyi “Peeeow” is the sound you make when pretending to have a laser gun. jiydr


  21. NiclasTimle89
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #21

    thanks for the …
    thanks for the stuped comment, well let’s all look overself in virtuial worlds and stop enjoying the fun the world has to offer. Btw If I look like a dick running around u should see your self. And how do u think you would look like when you gonna play your game? And yes I’m not a master off free running. But atleast I’m trying to become one.

  22. weavehole
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #22

    I hope it …

    I hope it doesnt sound like the matrix.
    I was thinking more like a virtual paintball/laserquest thing where you could augment your highstreet to look like an alien world or a medieval village.
    Pedestrians would be peasants, cars could be made to look like dragons so you dont kill yourself or roads could be streams of lava.

    It would be banned immediately of course.

    and probably wouldnt be much fun anyway.

    and you’d look like a dick running around your hi st going “Peeeow”

  23. brookshfollh
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #23

    good clip. have any …
    good clip. have any of you people looked at the wow cheats pack at warcraftbotsXinfo (replace X with .) ? its impressive, i just down loaded it. its got totally every thing inside it, gold guides, bots, hacks, glitches and even the new arena glitch. i probably should not reveal to people about this but at the very least this offers you all a fair opportunity to dl it before i own all of you!

  24. NiclasTimle89
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #24

    ins’t that kind of …
    ins’t that kind of fail. Almost sounds like the Matrix. Atleast I think it sounds like it

  25. weavehole
    July 22nd, 2012 at 23:41 | #25

    Okay, so who’s …
    Okay, so who’s going to invent the game that augments your high street to look like an alien world so you can run around with your mates shooting members of the public/aliens?
    Could be messy.

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