Home > ebay sales decline > Is there any way to avoid the listing fee’s on ebay?

Is there any way to avoid the listing fee’s on ebay?

January 30th, 2013 Leave a comment Go to comments

You can list for free on eBay Poland, and Singapore for FREE. However these listings are not shared with other eBay venues so sales opportunities might be limited. Previously you could list on several other eBay sites globally without charge. eBay does this as an incentive to build a critical mass in developing markets. They then introduce listing fees as recently happened in India, where domestic listing had been free for several years.

The best way to minimize listing fees is to wait for a cheap listing day when auction listing are reduced to between 5 and 20 cents. eBay has them every few months when listing activity declines in line with seasonal economic cycles.

  1. Okie
    January 30th, 2013 at 23:22 | #1

    Not that I’m aware of. What I generally do is try to determine the approximate listing fee and figure that into my minimum price. After all, if I’m selling something with a minimum price of $2 but then I list with all the bells and whistles and end up spending $10 on the listing fee, then I’m losing money unless the price shoots up a ton.
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  2. Hokonui Software
    January 30th, 2013 at 23:35 | #2

    You can list for free on eBay Poland, and Singapore for FREE. However these listings are not shared with other eBay venues so sales opportunities might be limited. Previously you could list on several other eBay sites globally without charge. eBay does this as an incentive to build a critical mass in developing markets. They then introduce listing fees as recently happened in India, where domestic listing had been free for several years.

    The best way to minimize listing fees is to wait for a cheap listing day when auction listing are reduced to between 5 and 20 cents. eBay has them every few months when listing activity declines in line with seasonal economic cycles.
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